Bhagavatam Mahapuranam The first is the skanda The third chapterDescription of incarnations of GodHindu scripture,holy book

 Om Tatsat



Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam

The first is the Skanda

The third chapter

Description of incarnations of God

Suta says - to God at the beginning of creation

The desire to create people arose. Then they are important
From then on he assumed the form of a man with sixteen arts like ten senses, five great spirits and one mind.(1)

While lying in the water and taking yoga sleep Brahma, the ruler of Prajapatis, was born from the lotus that emerged from the navel. (2)

All within the limbs of that vast form of God

People have been imagining. It is the Supreme Form of the Supreme Being of the Supreme Being. (3)

The vision of that form of God in the yogi's divine vision

That form of God has thousands of feet, legs, hands, and mouths and is very extraordinary. He alone has thousands of heads, ears, eyes, noses, and thousands of crowns and is adorned with ornaments such as clothes and coils. (4)

This male form of God is called Narayana.

It is the source of many incarnations. It is from this that all incarnations are manifested. From the minute fraction of this form, deities, animals and birds and human vaginas originate.(5)

The same Prabhu in the first Kaumar-Sarga Sanaka, Sanandana,

Incarnated as four Brahmins, Sanatan and Sanatkumar, he practiced the most difficult form of celibacy. (6)

It is these Lords who are the masters of all sacrifices

The second time he assumed the form of a boar to bring out the earth that had gone into the abyss for the welfare of this creation.(7)

Devarshi is the third incarnation of Narada in Rishisarga

took and preached the Satvat-Tantra (of Narada-Pancharatra). In this tantra, there is a description of how one gets liberation from the bondage of karma only by doing karma. (8)

From the idol of a religious wife, he in the form of Nara-Narayana

assumed the fourth avatar. In this avatar, he is a sage

Having restrained his mind and senses, he performed severe penance. (9)

In the fifth avatar, he is the lord of Siddhas 'Kapil'.

Appeared in form and they disappeared with the passage of time

The Samkhyashastra, who determined the principle, told a Brahmin named Asuri.(10)

In the sixth avatar as per Anasuye's request

Atriputra became Dattatreya. In this incarnation, he preached theology to Alark, Prahlada etc. (11)

Akutinamak of Ruchi Prajapati at the seventh time

He was incarnated as Yajna from his wife and protected the Svayambhuva Manvantara along with his sons Yama etc.

Nabhiraja's wife by God in the form of Rishabhadeva

He assumed the eighth incarnation from Merudevi. In this form, he showed the Paramahansa path, which is venerable to the people of all ashrams. (13)

O sages! Ninth time since the sage prayed

He was incarnated as Prithu (King). In this incarnation

He produced all medicines from the earth. That's why

Avatar was very beneficial to all. (14)

At the end of Chakshusha Manvantara when Trailokya in Samudra

When he was about to sink, he assumed the tenth incarnation in the form of a fish and protected Vaivasvata Manu by placing him in an earthly boat. (15)

While the gods and demons were churning the ocean

In the eleventh incarnation, the Lord in the form of a tortoise supported the Mandarachal mountain on his back.(16)

Taking the twelfth incarnation as Dhanvantari,

He appeared from the ocean-bearing nectar and assumed the thirteenth incarnation as a charmer, bewitching the demons and feeding the gods nectar.(17)

In the fourteenth incarnation, he assumed the form of Narasimha

And the mighty Daitya king Hiranyakashipu tore his chest with his claws, as a mat-weaver cuts a blade of grass. (18)

On the 15th occasion, the Lord appeared in the form of Vamana in the sacrificial Yajna. He asked for only three paces (equal to holding) of land to attain Trilokya. (19)

Of the royal Brahmins in the sixteenth incarnation of Parasurama

Seeing that they had become traitors, in anger he destroyed the earth twenty-one times. (20)

After this in the seventeenth incarnation from sage Parashara

Lord appeared in the form of Vyasa at the place of Satyavati. Seeing that people's knowledge and perception had decreased, he created many branches (divisions) of the Vedic tree.(21)

Eighteenth time by the will of the gods to act

In the guise of a king, he performed many deeds of bravery such as Setu-Bandhan, and Ravanavadha (22).

In his nineteenth and twentieth incarnations

Manifested in the names of Balarama and Sri Krishna in the Yadu dynasty, he reduced the burden (of the wicked) on earth. (23)

After this, when the Kali Yuga came, those who hated the gods

He will incarnate as the son of Ajna in Magadh Desh (Bihar) to seduce the demons.(24)

Henceforth when the time comes for the end of the Kali Yuga

And when the royal people will become like robbers, Lord Vishnu will incarnate in the form of Kalki in the house of a Brahmin named Yash to protect the world. (25)

O sages, like from a bottomless lake

Innumerable small streams emerge, similarly, Sattvanidhi Lord Srihari takes innumerable incarnations.(26)

Rishi, Manu, God, Prajapati, Manuputra and so on

As great and powerful as they are, they are all part of God. (27)

All these are incarnations or incarnations of God;

But Shri Krishna himself is 'God'. When the subjects are disturbed by the atrocities of the demons, the Lord protects them subjects by assuming many forms throughout the ages.(28)

This mysterious story of the divine births of God which

A man recites devotionally in the evening and in the morning with a concentrated mind, he is freed from all miseries.(29)

The formless image of God which is the gross worldly form

Yes, it is predicated on the Lord by the essential qualities of His own Maya. (30)

As a short-sighted man clouds the sky and

As the dust accuses the air, so the foolish man accuses the witnessing spirit of the visible world. (31)

Beyond this gross form, there is a subtle latent form of God, which has no gross form, which cannot be seen or heard, that is His subtle body. When the soul enters it, it is called jiva and it is born again and again. (32)

It is because of ignorance that this subtle and gross body over the soul

is accused. When this imputation is dispelled by the knowledge of the Self, at the same time the realization of Brahman is realized. (33)

The philosophers know that when the Lord

The mental illusion vanishes, while the jiva becomes ecstatic and becomes fixed in its form.(34)

Actually, those who have no birth karma, that Hridayeswara

This is how the philosophers describe the illusory birth and actions of the Lord. Because the birth and death of (the Lord) are secrets of the Vedas.

God's Leela is a definite worker. That

It is Leela who originates, sustains, and destroys this creation.

But do not get attached to it. In the hearts of animals

They also absorb those subjects by controlling the sense organs and the mind while being secretive. But since they are independent, they remain detached from them. (36)

Just like the miracles performed by ignorant human nuts

Can't understand, your resolution and

These infinite Names and Forms revealed by the Lord through Vedavani and their Lilas cannot be known by the small-minded Jiva by many reasonings and tricks. (37)

The power and prowess of Lord Chakrapani are infinite

are, they are beyond all worlds. which always

Consuming the fragrance of His divine lotus feet with a sincere spirit, he alone can know His form or the mysteries of the Leelas. (38)

O sages! You are fortunate. because

You are loving Lord Krishna, the Lord of all, with self-esteem. So there is no need to return to this world of birth and death. (39)

Lord Ved Vyasa wrote this Purana called Bhagavata, similar to the Vedas, full of God's character. (40)

He is the admirable, beneficent Mahapurana of the people

He told his son about his self-knowledge for ultimate welfare. (41)

It collected the essence of all the Vedas and histories

is Shukdev told this to Maharaj Parikshit. (42)

Death with great sages around Parikshit at that time

He was sitting on the Ganges after fasting. God

Shri Krishna when his Paramadhamala with religion, knowledge, etc

When the people of this Kali Yuga are gone, with darkness in the form of ignorance

Blinded, this mythical sun rose for them. This

Sages! When Mahatejaswi Srishuka was narrating the story of this Purana there, I was sitting there. There I studied with his gracious consent. I will tell you according to w

hat I have studied and what my intellect has grasped. (43 to 45)

Chapter III ends

Chapter III ends

This is the third chapter of the story of Naimiṣī in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the first section of the Paramahaṁsa-saṁhitā.

fourth chapter link below

second chapter link

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