Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam ,The first skanda ,The second chapter,Hindu scripture,Holy book

   Om Tatsat






Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


The first skanda


                        The second chapter


The story of the Lord and the importance of devotion to the Lord

Sri Vyas says - Shaunkadi is the name of the Brahmo sage

Ugrashrava, the son of Romaharshan, was very happy to hear the question

done He congratulated the sage on this auspicious question

Started to tell.1


Suta said - any cosmic-vedic karmic duty

Those who did not and went alone to take Sannyas

Seeing whom, father Vyas is distraught with grief

Son! O son.' So started calling. Shukrup then Due to this, the trees gave 'O'. Like this in everyone's heart

I salute the enthroned Sri Shukamuni. (2)



The most effective, the essence of all the Vedas, the Samsararup

Spiritual light for those who want to come out of darkness

Giver, the unique mystical Srimad Bhagavata Purana, Samsari

Having mercy on the people (for their salvation) those who said,

To Vyasputra Srishukacharya, who was the guru of those sages, I3



To Purusheshtra Nar-Narayana Rishi, Saraswati Devi and

Reciting this Srimad Bhagavata in salutation to Sri Vyasdevshould do()


Be wise! You for the welfare of the whole universe

This is a beautiful question. Because this question belongs to Shri Krishna

is in relation So the heart is well pleased was 5


So that the heart is in the place of Lord Krishna

Delightful, idle and unceasing devotion arises, the same  6


Humans have the best religion.

As soon as devotion to Lord Krishna is created

Instantly, empty knowledge and dispassion arise. (7)

Even after the proper observance of religion, if human beings

If there is no love for the stories of God in the heart It (religion) was only labor.()


The fruit of religion is salvation. Significance of religion in obtaining wealth

No. Wealth is only for religion. Enjoyment (of wealth) is not considered a fruit.()


The fruit of indulgences is not a sense of gratification; So its purpose

There is only livelihood. The fruit of life is philosophy. Attainment to heaven is not by doing deeds.(१०)


Philosophers are known as Jantana (Knower) and Gyneya (J (that which is to be known) is devoid of these distinctions, unique, to such knowledge itself They call it the principle. Someone is Brahma, someone is Paramatma

Some call it God.(११)

The knowledge gained by listening to the devout sage Bhagwat-

With dispassionate devotion to that Supreme Soul in our hearts Experience.(१२)


O sages! That is why humans have their own characters

And according to the ashram, the dharmacharana which has been performed in the best manner,

Its complete accomplishment is the pleasure of God. (13)


That is why the devotee with a concentrated mind continues to worship God

Shravan, Kirtan, Meditation, and Puja should be done. (14)


Wise men with the sword of contemplation of God Break the knot of karma, that Lord's Leela-What man does not love stories?(१५)


O sages! By traveling to holy shrines and

To the devout hearer by serving great men

Interest is aroused in the story of the Lord.(१६)


Hearing and kirtan of Lord Krishna's success

Both are sanctifying. Gentle Lord of Saints,

Our stories reach and settle in the hearts of the listeners and destroy their evil desires.(१७)


By the constant association of Srimad Bhagavat or Bhagavad Bhakta

When many inauspicious lusts are destroyed, Pavitrakirti's Eternal love arises in the place of Lord Krishna. (१८)


Then of Rajoguna and Tamoguna like work and greed, Bhava disappears and becomes devoid of mind in sattva guna

was stable, as well as serene.(19)


By thus devoting the Lord, when all attachments disappear, the heart filled with joy, then the Bhagavad-

The principle begins to be felt.(२०)



As soon as the Self is realized in the heart


The shackles of ignorance in the heart are broken, and all doubts


disappear and karmic bonds weaken.(२१)


That is why intelligent people always worship God with great joy


Devotees to Shri Krishna and attains Atmananandawas(२२)


The three qualities of Prakriti are sattva, raja, and tamaBy accepting the state of the universe, its origin, and endVishnu, Brahma is the unique God to do

And Rudra has assumed the three names. But of humans


From Sri Hari who accepted Paramakalyana sattva guna was(२३)


Like smoke rather than wood produced from the earth And fire is better than that. Because of the Vedic sacrifices As Agni is the benefactor, Rajoguna is better than Tamogunais superior and Sattvaguna is even superior to that. Because he is


Brahmadarshan is the giver.(२४)



In ancient times Mahatma was pure for our welfare


Sattvamaya used to worship Lord Vishnu only. Even now


As well as those who follow those greats


There was welfare.(२५)



Those who wish to cross the ocean of the world


Even if you don't see anyone's faults, Aghori is such a tamoguni


And the Rajoguni, the Bhairavadi, does not worship the Sattvaguni


Lord Vishnu and his incarnations are worshiped only.(२६)


But those whose nature is Rajoguni or Tamoguni,


They are fathers, ghosts with a desire for wealth, wealth, sons and grandsons, etc


And worships Prajapati. Because of such people, The nature is similar to them.(२७)



The meaning of the Vedas is Shri Krishna. Also the purpose of sacrifices


That is Shri Krishna (attainment). Yoga was done only for Krishna


Go and the end of all deeds is in Shri Krishna.(२८)



Knowledge leads to the attainment of Krishna in the form of Brahman, austerity


Rituals of religion are performed for the pleasure of Lord Krishna


It is done only for Shri Krishna and the final movement is only for Shri Krishna



Even if Lord Krishna, Prakriti, and her qualities

They are transcendental, yet they 'seem to be;

But not in principle, in our threefold sense

First created this universe.(३०)


These three qualities are the luxury of his maya. But

It is as if the Lord is meritorious because he is under maya

seem In fact, they are perfect scientists. (31)

Although fire is actually one, it is the origin of the self

It is evident by the different shapes of the existing woods

It happens, in the same way, the one who is in the self-form of everyone

One God is many because of the diversity of beings feel(३२)


God, Himself is the subtle body, the senses, and the heart

Many by brothers arising from other qualities

Kinds of organisms (Yoni) produce and differ

Entering the being and enjoying objects according to the respective beings


It is they who compose the entire people and the gods,

By assuming Lilavatara in the vagina of animals, birds, humans, etc

They nurture the living beings through sattva guna. (34)


Chapter Two ends


This is the second chapter of the story of Naimiṣī in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the first section of the Paramahaṁsa-saṁhitā.




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