Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmya chapter 6 th Ritual of Saptayagya

      The sixth chapter

                   Ritual of Saptayagya

Sankadik said - we know you

Week -Tells the statement of hearing. Usually the help of the people

And this ritual should be performed with the help of money

It is said. (1)

First, call an astrologer and ask for the time.

Also the amount of money required for marriage,

So much money should be arranged diligently. (2)

Ashad, Shravan, Bhadrapada, Ashwin,

Karthik and Margashirsha are saviors for the audience for six months


Devarshe! In this month, Bhadra, Vyatipat, etc. Kuyoga

should be avoided. For those who are enthusiastic about others

To be taken as an assistant. (4)

Then try to give invitations from home and abroad, here

Bhagwat Katha is going to happen, but all the people are together

Family should come. (5)

who is far from the story of the Lord and the chanting of Harinam

It remains for them as well as for women and Shudradis

Arrangements should be made to receive the invitation. (6)

Destined Vaishnavs at home and abroad and sweet in Harikirtan

If there are, you must send an invitation only to them. them

The method of sending the invitation is as follows. (7)

“Sir, seven days here are rare for good men

Mandiali is going to gather and Apoorva Rasamaya is like that

The story of Srimad Bhagavata is about to take place. (8)

So you are a fan of Bhagwat Katha Rasa

Immediately lovingly consume Sri Bhagavatamrita

Please come. (9)

At least if you haven't had it for so long

Please come for at least one day. Because here

Every moment is extremely rare.” (10)

Thus humbly invite them and j

People will come, suitable accommodations for them


Storytelling at a pilgrimage site, in the forest, or at home

has also been considered appropriate. Where there is ample ground,

The story should be organized there. (12)

Cleanliness of the place, maintenance, painting, etc

All household items should be kept in one corner. (13)

Sataranjya etc. with effort four-five days before

To be kept ready for asana and elevated with banana poles

Mandap should be decorated.


It is decorated with leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. on all sides


So decorate.

Prepare enough seats for them on the front side

should be kept Behind them also a divine throne for the speaker

 should be prepared.(17)

If the speaker is sitting facing north, then the listeners

Sit facing east and if the speaker faces east

 If seated, listeners should sit facing north. (18)

Or both the speaker and listener face east

should be done. Scholars who know Deshkal etc

A similar rule is stated for listeners. (19)

In that tent, there were seven giants on a high place

Brahmins should be invited and seated on it after imagining. (16)

Which clearly defines the Vedas and Shastras

Is authoritative, can give different visions, and extremely

A dispassionate and Vishnu-devout Brahmin orator who is untouchable

should be.(20)

Those who are confused by many creeds, misogynists

There are, there are atheists, even if such people are scholars,

However, they should not be taken to tell stories. (21)

One near the speaker to help him

A scholar should be seated in the same way. All kinds of it

Explain to the authorities and people in the retirement of doubts

Must be skilled in giving. (22)

Fasting on the day before the story begins

. In order to do this, the speaker must make a gesture. Also sunrise

Bathe after defecation and mouth washing. (23)

In the evening etc. our daily activities are briefly completed

Worship of Lord Ganesha for the smooth running of the story


Then for the purification of sins by making offerings to the fathers

Make atonement and create a circle over it

Srihari should be established. (25)

Then chanting to Lord Krishna

Shodashopachara should be worshiped in sequence. followed by circumambulation,

Praise should be given at the end of worship after the salutation. (26)

O merciful one, I am a poor man drowned in the ocean of the world

is Come to be afflicted by the delusions caused by karma


Then with incense, lamp etc. treatments with great enthusiasm

And with love one should also properly worship Srimad Bhagavatam.(28)

After that, keep a coconut in front of the book and offer salutations

And with a happy mind should only praise. (29)

In the form of Srimad Bhagavatam, You are the real Lord

You are Shri Krishna. Nath, to escape from this ocean

I have surrendered to you. (30)

You are my desire without any hindrance

The status quo should be completed. Hey Keshav! I am your servant. (31)

After thus praying compassionately the speaker

Worship should be done. By adorning the speaker with beautiful garments

After worshiping him, he should also be praised like this. (32)

“O auspicious Lord, in the art of explanation

You are skillful and versed in all sciences. please

Explain this story and remove my ignorance.” (33)

Then happily before the orator for your welfare

Follow the rules for seven days


So as not to disturb the story, five more Brahmins

By inviting him to the Dwadasakshari mantra of God

(“Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya') chant. (35)

This is followed by Brahmins, other Vishnu devotees and Sankirtans

Salutations to those who do it should be done and worshiped

He should take command and take the position himself. (36)

A man of public affairs, property, wealth, house, son, etc

Letting go of anxiety, he concentrates only on the story with a clear mind

The good fruit of hearing is obtained. (37)

The intelligent speaker begins the story at sunrise

Medium tone up to three and a half beats, well clear

Read the story with pronunciation. (38)

In the afternoon, two parts of the story should be closed. At this time

According to the situation in the story, the present Vaishnavas should chant the virtues of Bhagavad Guna. (39)

In order to keep stool-urine-veg at the time of the story

Snacks are beneficial. So the listener (through the day)

Take extra food only once. (40)

He will be healthy if he fasts for seven days

Listen or listen with pleasure only with milk or ghee


Or eat fruit once (a day).

Eat the same type of food. Who follows the rules easily

If possible, he should observe that rule while listening to stories. (42)

Katha - I fast if hearing aids

Prefers eating to doing. By fasting

If a hearing is obstructed, such a fast is not performed

Cured. (43)

Naradamuna! For men who regularly listen to the week

Listen to the rules. He who has not taken the initiation of Vishnu devotees

Not authorized to listen to stories. (44)

A man who regularly listens to stories is celibate

To be followed, to sleep on the floor, and after the end of the story every day

Food should be eaten on a plate. (45)

Dal, honey, oil, hard to digest, tainted with an evil spirit

. And the fasting person must give up such stale food

should be done. (46)

One who takes the vow of listening to stories, work, anger, alcohol,

To honor, envy, greed, pride, infatuation, and hatred


He taught Vedas, Vaishnavas, Brahmins, Gurus, Goseva devotees

Also one should refrain from slandering women, kings, and great men. (48)

Menstruating women, Chandals, Mlechchhas, sinners

Brahmins who do not chant Gayatri, haters of Brahmins as well

 Do not converse with those who do not believe in the Vedas. (49

Truth by the listener of the story defecated. Mercy, Silence

One should conduct himself with courtesy, modesty, and generosity. (50

Poor, tubercular, afflicted with any disease, unfortunate,

 Even the sinners, the sonless, and those who desire salvation

Listen to the story. (51

A woman who has stopped menstruating, only one

who has begotten, who is barren, whose offspring survives

No attempted abortions by women

Hear this story.(52)

If all of the above stories follow the rules

If they listen, they can attain imperishable fruits. This

The best divine story is the fruit of crores of sacrifices


Following the rules in this way then this fast

Tomorrow should be done. One who desires a particular result,

He should observe it as per Gokulashtami Vrat. (54)

But those who are devoted devotees of God

There is no obligation to do it tomorrow. Since he is a devoted devotee of God

One becomes pure only by hearing. (55)

Thus when the Saptayajna ends, then

The audience worshiped the scriptures and the speaker with great devotion

should be done. (56)

(Later) by the speaker, prasad and tulsi garlands to the audience

should be given and all to the beautiful sound of mridanga, cymbals

Bhagavatkirtan should be done.(57)

Cheers, salutations, and chanting should be done. Also

Brahmins and beggars should be given money and food. (58)

If the listener is dispassionate, he should end this karma

The next day should recite the Gita. The householder should offer Havan. (59)

Reading each verse of the tenth Skanda while performing the Havan

Of the articles of payas, honey, ghee, sesame seeds, and food

Sacrifices should be made. (60)

Or perform Havan with Gayatri Mantra with concentration. because

In fact, the Mahapurana is the Gayatri form itself. (61)

If one does not have the power to do Hom-Havan (of listening to stories)

To get the fruit, one should donate Havan Samagri to Brahmins.

Also to eliminate many types of errors and regulations

| The more or less defects in observance are gone

To do this, one should recite Vishnu Sahasranama. So all

Karmas are fulfilled. Because no action is better than this. (62-63)

Then the twelve brahmins were given good food like milk and honey

Food should be given, as well as cow and gold for fulfilling the vow

Donate. (64)

If there is financial capacity, one of three 'pal' gold

Srimad Bhagwat written on it in beautiful letters by lion

Keep the book. Worship him with various treatments

Garments, ornaments, odors to Kari and Jitendriya Acharya

etc should dedicate the book after worshiping and offering Dakshina.

By performing the ritual of being an intelligent donor, from the bonds of birth and death

becomes free. This weekday ritual of all kinds of sins

is the destroyer. This auspicious Bhagavata Purana is the desired fruit

receives. Also of Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha

Doubt that this is the means of attainment

No reason. (65-68)

Sankadika said - Munivarya, thus come

We have told you in detail about the weekly ritual.

What else do you want to hear? Bhog only by this Srimad Bhagavata

And Moksha also comes to hand. (69)

Suta says - O Shaunaka, thus Mahatmya

Sankadikas ritually expiate all sins for a week

Come the Destroyer, the Pure One and the Giver of Bhoga-Moksha

He preached Bhagavad-gītā. All should hear this regularly

done After that he duly praised Lord Purushottam

Kelly. (70-71)

At the end of the story, knowledge, dispassion and devotion are great

Confirmation was received and all three became very young


Narada's gratitude for seeing his wish fulfilled

done His whole body was filled with excitement and

He became ecstatic. (73)

Lord's beloved Naradamuni hearing the story like this, hands

Adding, filled with love, he said to the Sankadikas.(74)

Narada said: I am blessed. kind-hearted such

You have favored me. Lord Shri Hari, the all-sinful

 Today I received.(75)

O Taponidhi! I am for hearing Srimad Bhagavatam in all religions

considered superior. Because those who live in Vaikuntha by hearing this

Attainment of Shri Krishna. (76)

Suta said - Narada, the great Vaishnava, is saying,

Yogeshwar Shukdev came there while doing the same tour. (77)

Just as the story ends, Vyasaputra Srishukadev there

came Sixteen years of age, self-indulgent, enlightened

Shukadeva is like the moon that brings tides to the ocean with love

Savakash was reciting Srimad Bhagavata. (78)

Tej:Punj Seeing Shukdev all present immediately

He stood up and placed them on a high seat

Devarshi Narada worshiped him with love. there


Shukdev sat down and said, You are my holy voice

Listen. (79)

Srishukadev said - lovers and devotees

Folks, this Srimad Bhagwat is the matured form of the Vedic Kalpa tree

is fruit. Since it emanated from the mouth of Sri Sukadeva

It is perfect with Amritsar. There is only interest in it. come on

The fruit has no peel or seed. As long as there is life in the body,

Until then, we should listen to it again and again. (80)

Srimad Bhagavata Mahapurana was composed by Mahamuni Vyasadeva

has done In this, sincere, idle, such parama dharma

is defined. By pure hearted men

It describes the benevolent truth self-object that can be known

This causes retirement of all the three fevers. When one

When a pious man desires to hear this scripture,

God immediately enters his heart. Then others

What is the need for tools? (81)


It is at the forefront of the Bhagavata Puranas and is of the Vaishnavas

There is money. Of the pure knowledge expected of the Supreme Lord

It is described. It also includes knowledge, dispassion and devotion

A retirement path has been published by which

 Listening, reciting and meditating on it with great devotion

(82) (83)

O lucky listeners! This is the taste of heaven, truth,

Not even in Kailash and Vaikuntha. So you want this page

do Not be deterred from this at all.

Soot said Srishukadeva was saying like this,

He was there along with devotees such as Prahlada, Bali, Uddhav, Arjuna etc

In reality, Sri Hari appeared. At that time, Lord Narada

And proper worship of his devotees

Done. (84)

Seeing the Lord happy, Narada gave them to him

Seated on a huge throne and all the people his

At that time Sankirtan was started in front. To see that Sankirtan

Parvati was accompanied by Lord Shankar and Brahma. (85)

Prahlad started clapping his hands enthusiastically in that hymn.

Uddhav took the cymbal. Devarshi Narada started playing the veena.

Arjuna, who is skilled in music, took the alap

Indra started playing mridanga. whimsical occasional-

started cheering from and ahead of all these

Shukadeva, the son of Vyasa, began to express his feelings by making various gestures.(86)

Bhakti, knowledge, is the most brilliant among them all

And started dancing like dispassionate nuts. This is supernatural

Bhagavan was pleased to see the sankirtan and said. (87)

“I am very pleased with this katha-kirtan of yours

is By surrendering to me with this devotion of yours

has taken "You ask me." These are the words of God

Everyone was very happy to hear and hearts were filled with love

Filled up and said to God. (88)

- God! We wish that from now on

Whenever such a week happens, we will come to you

Must come with devotees, fulfill this desire of ours.

 As "Tathastu" the Lord intervened. (89)

After this Narada the Lord and his devotees

Salutations addressed to Charan Kamal. Also Sukhdev and

Salutations to other ascetics also. Storytelling to everyone

There was great joy, all their temptation was gone. After that

 All returned to their respective places. (90)

At the same time, Shukadev gave Bhakti along with her sons

Included in your Bhagavata Shastra. therefore

By narrating the Bhagavad Katha, Sri Hari resides in the hearts of the Vaishnavas


The people who are suffering from poverty, those who mayarupi

who is chained by the demon and who is in the ocean of samsara

Srimad Bhagavat says that those who are drowning will be well

A lion is roaring. (92)

Shaunaka asked - Soot Sir, Shukadev

To King Parikshit, Gokarna to Dhandhukari and Sankadika

Naradamuni was told this story at some point

Clear my doubts. (93)

Suta said: After Lord Krishna went to his abode

Bhadrapada after about thirty years of Kali Yuga had passed

On Shukla Navami of the month, Shukdev to tell stories


Two Hundred Years of Kali Yuga After King Pariksita heard the story

After the passing of years, Gokarna from Ashad Shuddha Navami

The story was told. (95)

After this, another thirty years of Kali Yuga passed.

Sankadikas to tell this story from Kartik Suddha Navami


O innocent Shaunaka! The question you asked,

I have given you the answer. Bhagavata in this Kali Yuga-

Katha is a panacea for diseases. (97)

Saints! You listen to this story with great respect

should do This story is very dear to Shri Krishna, the destroyer of all sins

Doer, the only means of liberation and increase in devotion

is doing (while) the pilgrimage (etc.) though

Why should we? (98)

Yamaraja saw his messengers with nooses in their hands

Said in his ear, look at this! That of God

Katha Kirtan are concentrated, away from them

I have the power to punish others. To the Vaishnavas

No. (99)

In this asar samsara, the subject form is due to attachment to poison

For your welfare, ye men of bewildered intellect,

If only for half a moment, that sad story is sweet

Eat the nectar. On a wrong path full of blasphemous stories

Why wander? As soon as this story entered the ears

Parikshit Raja is the standard for saying that one gets liberation. (100)

Sri Sukadeva remained steadfast in the flow of love

The story is told, as soon as this story is related to Kantha

(A man) becomes the officer of Vaikuntha. (101)

Shaunaka! By studying many scriptures I am this param

Guhya just told you. This is the doctrine of all the sciences

is the essence. Nothing else in this world is as sacred as Shukashastra

Not a thing. So let us take these twelve skandhas for the attainment of ecstasy


The man who followed the rules with devotion to this story

Hearers, as well as those who are pure in heart

Both of them narrate this to the devotees of God, according to all rules

Due to its complete compliance one gets real results.

For such, there is nothing in the Triloka as hopeless. (103)

                          Srimad Bhagavata Mahatmya ended here.

This is the sixth chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in the Uttarkhaṇḍa of the Śrīpadma-purāṇa, the glories of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

              ॥ This is the complete glory of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam. ॥

                       ॥ Hariḥ ॐ Tatsat ॥

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