Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam, The first skanda ,Shrimad Bhagwat , Then the fourth chapter ,The dissatisfaction of Maharishi Vyasa,Hindu scritpture

 Om Tatsat






Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


The first skanda


Shrimad Bhagwat


Then the fourth chapter


The dissatisfaction of Maharishi Vyasa

Vyas said - participating in that long-term session

Among the sages taken, the Rigvedi, the learned-aged Chancellor Shaunaka praised the Sutas that spoke thus and said. (1)


Shaunak said Suta who is the best speakers

Sir! The story told by Lord Sri Shuka

We should tell us the virtuous story of God. (2)


In which era, in which place, and where is this story?

What was the purpose? Munivar Vyasa of whom

Inspiration created this code? (3)


His son Shukadeva the great yogi, the equanimous,

Unattached, awakened from samsara-sleep, and always situated in the Supreme Self. As they cover up these feelings, they look like a madman. (4)


Following the son (who goes to the forest for asceticism).

When Vyasmuni started, at that time bath in the lake

The young women did not put on clothes after seeing the Shukas in the nude. But seeing Vyasa wearing clothes, he wore clothes out of shame. On seeing this surprise, Vyasa asked the reason, and the women said that the difference between men and women in their vision is not in the pure vision of their son. (5)


Shukdev went to Hastinapur in Kurujangal country

May have wandered like a mad, dumb, and retarded person. How did the people of the village recognize him? (6)


Dialogue between Shukamuni and Pandava son Rajarshi Parikshit

How it happened, in which this Bhagavata Samhita is told. (7)


Granting the majesty of pilgrimage to householders' homes

To do this, Mahamuni Srishukadeva stays at his house only long enough to shave the edge of a cow.(8)

Lord Sutam, we have heard that Abhimanyu Putra

Parikshit was a great devotee of God. Very surprising

Tell us about their births and deeds.


Parikshit was the emperor who raised the glory of the Pandava dynasty

was He renounced the kingdom of Lakshmi, on the banks of the Ganges

Why did you take the fast of sitting and fasting? (10)


Their enemies give them a lot of money for their own good

They used to offer obeisance to the square where their feet were placed. He was a great hero. Why were they, being young and willing to give up a kingdom, so difficult to live their lives? (11)


Those who have taken shelter from God, they live

They sacrifice their lives for ultimate welfare, worldly upliftment, and prosperity. They have no selfishness in them. His body was for salvation. In that case, why did they get upset and abandon him? (12)


We are proficient in all other scriptures except the Vedic language

I think you are. Therefore tell us all that we have asked you at this time. (13)


Suta said- Dwapara, the third of the four yugas, begins,

Then, from Maharishi Parashara, Yogi Vyasa was born in the place of Vasu-Kanya Satyavati, who was an incarnation of God. (14)


One day at sunrise the sacred river Saraswati

After bathing in the water, he sat in seclusion at the holy place.(15)


Maharishi Vyasa knows the past and the future

His vision was accurate. He saw that no

With the passage of time, the power of material things is weakened by corruption and its influence in societies of every age. Society becomes faithless and powerless. Their intellect is unable to decide their duties properly and their life is getting shorter day by day. Seeing this misfortune of the people, Shri Vyasa, in his divine vision, thought about how the people of all varnas and ashrams would benefit. (16 to 18)


They have thought that, by the Vedic rituals such as the Agnistomas

People's hearts are pure. In order to expand the sacrifices, he made four sections of the same Veda. (19)


Vyasa composed Rigveda, Yajurveda, Samaveda, and Atharvaveda

Vedas are classified in four such ways. Itihasa and Puranas are called the fifth Veda. (20)


The first of them was the learned Jaimini, the singer of the Rigveda and the Samaveda

And became the only Vaishampayana who studied Yajurveda. (21)


Darunandana Sumanta became proficient in the Atharva Veda.

History and Puranas (study) was done by my father Romaharshan. (22)


Many other sections of their respective Vedas were added by these sages

knocked down In this way many branches of Vedas were formed by disciples, disciples, and their disciples. (23)


Even people with poor memory can learn Vedas

Therefore the merciful Lord Vyasa divided the Vedas. (24)


All three are women, shudras, and uncultured dwijas

There is no authority of Vedashravana. They will make a mistake in practicing the Karma of Kalyankari Sastras. Mahamuni Vyasa composed the history book Mahabharata with the intention (of mercy) for their welfare too. (25)


Be a sage! Although diameters like this always of animals Even though he spent all his energy on welfare, when his heart was not satisfied, with a sad heart he sat in solitude on the sacred banks of the river Saraswati and said to Vyasmuni, the religious sage. (26-27)


I would sincerely observe vows like celibacy

Served the Vedas, Gurujan, and Agni and their



I also interpreted the Vedas for the purpose of composing the Mahabharata

Revealed. Therefore women, Shudras, etc. will be able to acquire the knowledge of their respective dharma-karmas. (29)


Even though I am the best of those endowed with Brahman, my soul (though actually perfect)(30)


Or religions that make me realize God Probably not defined yet. Because the same Bhagavata Dharma is dear to Paramhansa and God too.(31)


Understanding our shortcomings like Srikrishna-Dvaipayana

Devastated, at the same time Devarshi Narad in the above place came and reached. (32)


Seeing them coming, Vyasamuni immediately stood up

remained, and they worshiped the god Narada, who was also worshiped by the gods

Properly worshiped. (33)


Chapter four ends


This is the fourth chapter in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the compilation known as the Paramahasa-sahitā, containing the story of Naimiṣīya in the first section. 

third chapter link below

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