Srimadbhagawat Mahatmya-part 4-gokarna akhyan,


              Srimadbhagawat Mahatmya part4

                         Gokarna akhyan

Soot said - at that time in the minds of his devotees

Seeing supernatural devotion, Bhaktavatsala Shri Bhagavan is yours

Leaving the place (came there.) adorning their necks with Vanama

His body was like a cloud filled with water

He was dark-skinned, wore a pitambar,

Around the waist was adorned a mekhla, on the head a crown and

There was ringing in the ears. It is beautiful because of the tribhangi mudra

was seen Kaustubhamani was shining on the chest,

Harichandana was applied all over the body. As if they

Had the beauty of crores of cupids. That is

There is a lively mood of ecstasy. Such charming Muralidhar,

entered into the pure hearts of His devotees. (1-4)

A devout devotee living in Vaikuntha in disguise

came there to hear the story. (5)

Then the cheers started. The wonderful Bhaktirsa

The stream began to flow. Gulal, Bukka, a shower of flowers, etc

Conch sound also started. (6)

Our body of people sitting in that assembly, householders

And the consciousness of the heart also disappeared. That was it

Seeing Tanmaya, Naradamuni said. (7)

Be sages, week of the hearing, a supernatural glory

I am watching Among those who come here are fools, tricksters, and beasts-

There are also birds and all of them have become very innocent. (8)

So in this Kali Yuga, for the purification of the mind, in the world of death

Another equal to the Bhagavata story that destroys the accumulation of sins

There is no sacred instrument. (9)

Munivar, you are very gracious. of the people

We consider a different way to the welfare

has been discovered. Who knows about this story?

You should tell me that you become holy. (10)


Sankadik said: Those who always commit sinful deeds

and are always quick to transgress, going by the left way,

They are hot with anger, deceitful and lustful

All such people are holy in this Kali Yuga


Detracted from the truth, condemned by parents

Doers, afflicted with desires, non-observant of Ashramadharmas

Doers, hypocrites, jealous of others and others

The tormentors, all these are sanctified by Saptayajna in the Kali Yuga.


Drunkenness, Brahmin killing, gold-stealing, Gurustrigamna and

Betrayal is the five deadly sins, deception, and pretense

Quick, cruel, merciless as demons, rich in Brahmin wealth

Those who commit adultery and commit adultery, all this in the Kali Yuga

Become holy. 13

That cunning stubbornness always in mind, voice, and body

are committing sins, are fattened by other people's wealth,

They are also full of impure minds and evil passions

In the Kali Yuga, Saptayajna becomes holy. (14)

Now we give you an ancient history regarding this

Says that Even just hearing it destroys all sins. (15)

Formerly a great city situated on the banks of the river Tungabhadra

was There people of all castes, practicing their respective religions,

He was prompt in truthfulness and good deeds. 16

In that city the knower of all the Vedas and Shrauta-smarta

There lived a Brahmin named Atmadeva who was skilled in karma

He was like another sun. (17)

He was rich and was a priest. his wife

Dhandhuli belongs to a noble family and is beautiful and always yours

Saying was truthful. (18)

She enjoyed slandering people. she

She was cruel by nature. Always muttering something.

She was skilled in housework, miserly as well as belligerent. (19)

In this way the Brahmin couple in their world with love

Was happy. They have wealth and pleasures

There was plenty. But they were not happy in that glory. (20)

After all, he gave cows, and land to the poor for procreation.

Start donating jumla, money, gold, clothes, etc


In this way, he gave half of his wealth in charity

spent, yet they begot no son or daughter.

That Brahmin became very worried. (22)

That sad Brahmin left the house one day

And went into the forest. Because he was thirsty in the middle of the day

He came to a pond. (23)

He is sad because he has no children, drinks water

sat there. After a short time, a hermit came there. (24)

Seeing that the ascetic had drunk the water, the Brahmin approached him

Go and prostrate at his feet and sigh deeply

stood up. (25)

The Sannyasa asked, “O Brahmin, why are you crying?

Why are you so anxious? you immediately

Tell me the cause of your sorrow. (26)

Brahmin said - Yati Maharaja, I am my

Suffering from the accumulated sins of previous births

How to describe it? My father I give water for tarpana

It heats up with its own anxious sighs, that's it

drinking. (27)

Devas and Brahmins are pleased with the charity given by me

Not accepting with heart. I am so childless

So sad, I feel like I'm all Sune Sune. I

I have come here to sacrifice myself. (28)

Woe to the childless life. Of a childless household

Damn it. Woe to childless wealth, childless clan


The cow that I reared was barren too. J

 He plants a tree, but it never gets flowers and fruits. (30)

The fruit I bring to my house soon rots

goes As I am so wretched and childless, my

What is the meaning of this life? (31)

So he oxabokshi near the Brahmin ascetic

started crying Then in the heart of that ascetic about Brahman

Great compassion arose. (32)

He was a devoted ascetic. Seeing the forehead of a Brahmin

They knew everything and told him in detail. (33)

Sannyasi said - O Brahmin, the temptation of procreation

give up Work speed is very strong. Take shelter of conscience

And give up the lust of the world. (34)

O Vipravara, listen. I have known your passion.

In the next seven births, you will have children

No. (35)

Earlier King Sagar and Anga suffered due to children

have suffered O Brahmin, you are now the hope of the world

let go Sannyasa alone has all kinds of happiness. (36)

Brahmin said - what is my satisfaction with Viveka

will be By your strength, you are my son

give Otherwise, in grief, I sacrifice my life in front of you. (37)

Sannyas in which there is no happiness of son, wife, etc

It's boring anyway. filled with sons and grandsons in folklore

Grihasthasrama alone is superior. (38)

Seeing this stubbornness of the Brahmin, he became a devoted ascetic

Said, the king is stubborn to erase the article of the legislator

Chitraketu had to face great hardships. (39)

As fate reverses one's efforts

You too will not get happiness from a son. You are stubborn

You stand before me like a supplicant. In this situation I

What can I tell you? (40)

Seeing the Brahmin's stubbornness, the hermit gave him a fruit

He said, Give this fruit to your wife to eat. Tyayoge

She will have a son. (41)

Your wife for one-year truth, holiness, mercy, charity

One kind of food once a day by following them

The rule of eating should be followed. Therefore, the son is good-natured


So that Yogiraja left and the Brahmin

came to your house. He gave that fruit to his wife

And he went the other way. (43)

His wife was deceitful. She was crying

My friend said, friend, I am very worried

Adjacent. I will not eat this fruit. (44)

Eating fruits will keep the fetus, so the stomach will grow.

Then I will have no food and drink and I will be weak

will be How do you do the housework in such a situation?

will come? (45)

And if by chance the village is raided by thieves, then

How can I escape pregnancy? Also if like Shukdev

If the fetus stays in the stomach for a long time, how can it get out?

Can it be removed? (46)

If the fetus is breech during delivery (probably)

Lives will also be lost. Also, labor pains

are terrible. I am (so) fragile, how can I bear all this

can I do ? (47)

If I become weak, my Nananda will come and stay at home

Will carry all luggage. Moreover, truth, holiness, etc

It is also difficult to follow the rules. (48)

A woman who gives birth to a child nurtures it

It is very difficult to do. I think barren

Or a widow is happy. (49)

She ate the fruit as she had many such suspicions in her mind

No. When the husband asked, 'Did you eat the fruit?' Then she

Answered, 'Yes, ate.'(50)

One day her sister came to her easily

Then she told her sister all the news and said, “My

There is a lot of concern about this. (51)

I was getting weaker day by day with this worry

is Sister, what shall I do?” The sister said, “I

is pregnant I will give you that child after delivery. (52)

Until then, you pretend to be pregnant and go home secretly

and stay happy If you give some money to my husband, he

My child will give you. (53)

We will make such a trick that all the people will say

That her child died at the age of six months. I

I will come to your house every day and take care of that child. (54)

.55 feed the cow

So that you now see the test of this fruit

" By a Brahmin, by a sister according to womanhood

Did as told.55

After that, when the woman had a son at the right time, he

| The father secretly brought the boy to Dhundhuli. (56)

And she said to her husband, I am happy

A son was born. Thus hearing that Atmandev had a son

Everyone was happy. (57)

The Brahmin performed the caste ceremony of the child to the Brahmins

Donations were given and mangal instruments were played in front of his house.

Also, auspicious deeds started to happen. (58)

Dhandhuli said to her husband, “From my breast

No milk is coming. So the baby is fed with the milk of cows and other animals

How can I do parenting? (59)

My sister had just had a baby, and she was gone.

Call her and keep her at your house. I mean it's yours

Will take care of the baby. (60)

Then the Atmandev also did the same to protect the son

Mother Dhundhuli named the child Dhundhukari

kept. (61)

Then after three months, that cow too

(Human form) A boy was born. He is all beautiful, divine, pure

Also, his radiance was like gold. (62)

The Brahmin was very happy to see him and

He performed all his rituals himself. Others on hearing this news

People were very surprised and that child

 Came to see it. (63)

They began to say, "Look, look! the fate of Atmandev."

How to emerge! How surprising that even a cow

A godlike son was born. (64)

Fortunately, no one understood this secret. That

Seeing that the child's ears are like those of a cow, Atmadev

Named him 'Gokarna'.(65)

After some time both children reached adulthood

and debuted. Among them, Gokarna is a great scholar and scholar

happened, (but) Dhandhukari became a great evil. (66)

He was not taking bath, etc

was doing He was angry. of bad things

He used to collect. Even food touched by the hands of the corpse

He used to eat. (67)

Stealing, hating everyone, other people's homes

It was his nature to start fires. to small children

To play as taken aside and them immediately in the well


Killing, blind with weapons in hand, miserable

His job was to trouble them. About the Chandals

Special love. With a noose in hand, with dogs in tow

He used to wander (to hunt).(69)

Trapped in the net of prostitutes, he killed his father

All wealth is wasted. A day for parents

He carried away all the pots and pans in the house. (70)

Seeing all the wealth destroyed in this way, he is poor

Father Oxabokshi cried and said - "Barrenness afforded,

But the bad son is the most painful. (71)

Where will I live now? where to go This is my sorrow

Who will destroy? I have a big problem.

It is because of this suffering that I now give my life.” (72)

At the same time, Gnani Gokarna came there and he

Trying to convince the father by preaching renunciation


Gokarna said this world is hell. This is extreme

Sad and seductive. Whose son?

whose money Man with attachment day and night (suffering)

Keeps burning. (74)

King Indra and Chakravarti also get some happiness

No. (Only) the sages who lead a solitary life

are happy. (75)

Abandon the ignorance of 'this is my son'.

Enchantment leads to Hell. This body will disappear

is So give up everything and go to the forest. (76)

After listening to Gokarna, Atmadev went to the forest

was prepared; And began to say to him - Son, in the forest

. Please tell me in detail what I should do. (77)


I'm (really) stupid. In Snehpash by Purvakarma

After being bound, I am like a cripple in this house-like darkness

Lying in the well. O Merciful One, deliver me from this


Gokarna said - this body, bones, flesh and

There is a storehouse of blood. Apart from saying that the body is 'I'

Give and do not consider the sons and daughters as 'yours'. this world

Only dispassionate happiness, always believing it to be fleeting

Believe and worship God. (79)

Always take refuge in religion. All proverbial


Abandon business, serve saints and sages,

Don't even come close to thinking about other people's merits and demerits

Immediately give up doing and serving God and God

Enjoy stories regularly.(80)

In this way, the Atmandev left the house with the advice of the son

And he went into the forest. He was sixty years old

However, the intellect was stable. Day and night worship of God-

Archa and recitation of the Tenth Skandha of Bhagavata regularly

By doing this he attained Lord Krishna. (81)

               Chapter four ends

5th chapter

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