Srimadbhagawat Mahatmya part 3,


           Srimadbhagawat Mahatmya part 3

Narada said - I will perform Ujjwal Jnana Yajna through the Bhagavata Shastra stories narrated by Srishukadeva to establish devotion, knowledge, and dispassion.

(1) Tell me the place where this Yajna should be performed. If you know the Vedas, then tell me the glory of the scriptures spoken by the Shukas.

 (2) Please tell me how many days the story of Srimad Bhagavata should be narrated and also the ritual of narrating it.

(3) - Sankadika said - Naradamuni, you are very humble and prudent. We tell you in detail, listen. There is a ghat called Anand near Haridwar.


Dbhagavat many sages have lived there. Also | Devatas and Siddha Purusha also benefit from that position. Nana | This place is covered with trees and vines: there is spread soft sand. This ghat is secluded and very picturesque. There | There is always the fragrance of golden lotuses. He has | Even living mutually antagonistic animals are not hostile to each other. We should perform jnana yajna at that place. Tath Special | Even without any effort, the story will be incredibly interesting.

 (7) The weak and the old are falling before our eyes Bhakti will come into the story taking with it knowledge and dispassion.

 (8) Where Srimad Bhagavata Katha continues, bhakti, etc. will follow by itself. As soon as the words of the story are heard there, these three will attain youth.

 (9) - Soot said - Sankadika also came to Ganga from there to listen to Srimad Bhagavatkathamrita along with Narada. When they all reached the Ganga, at the same time there was a ruckus (to go there) all over Bhuloka, Devloka, and Brahmaloka.

 (11) For the Bhagavata Kathamritpaana, all those who were devotees of Vishnu came running first.

 Bhrigu, Vasistha, Chyavana, Gautama, Medhatithi, Deval, Devarat, Parasurama, Vishwamitra, Shakala, Markandeya, Dattatreya, Pippalada, Yogeshvara Vyas and Parashara, Chayasuka, Jajali and | Many prominent sages like Jahu came there with their sons, disciples, and wives, full of love.

(१३ -१४)

Apart from the Vedas, Upanishads, Mantras, Tantras, Seventeen Puranas, and Six Shastras were embodied there. (15)

Rivers like the Ganges, lakes like Pushkar, all pilgrimage sites, in all directions, forests like Dandakaranya, mountains like the Himalayas, as well as Gods, Gandharvas, and Demons all came to listen to the story. Maharishi Bhrigu persuaded and brought those who thought themselves superior and did not come (from us). (16-17)

 At that time Shri Krishna Bhakta Sankadi sat on the high seat given by Narada as a storyteller to narrate the story. At that time the audience saluted him. (18)

Among the audience, Vaishnavas, Viraktas, Sannyasis, and Brahmacharis came forward and sat, while Naradamuni sat next to them all. (19) Rishis sat on one side, Deities on one side, Veda-Upanishads on one side, Pilgrims on one side; Women sat on the other side. (20)

 ॥ २१॥ 

At that time cheers, salutations, and the sound of conch shells started everywhere. Also, bukka, gulal, flowers, etc. started blooming. (21)

 Some of the chief gods even, sitting in the Vimanas, began to shower the flowers of Kalpa trees on all the people sitting (in the meeting). (22)

 The Sutra said: Thus, when all the people became concentrated, the sage Sanaka and others began to explain the greatness of the Srimad Bhagavatam to Narada. (23) The young men said: Then we shall describe to you the glory born of the scriptures of Shuka. By merely hearing of whom liberation is situated in the palm of his hand.

Sankadik said - Now we tell you the glory of this Shukashastra (Bhagavatshastra). Only by listening to this, liberation is attained. (24)

 The story of Srimad Bhagavata should be consumed regularly. Hearing this story, Sri Hari is seated in the heart. (25)

 This book has eighteen thousand verses and twelve skandhas. It has a dialogue between Srishukadev and King Parikshit. Listen carefully to this Bhagavata Shastra. (26)

Until, even for a moment, the story of this Shukashastra is not heard, this ignorant soul wanders in the cycle of the world. (27)


 What is the benefit of listening to many other Shastras and Puranas | will be This creates an illusion. To liberate | Bhagavata Shastra alone is sufficient. (28)

 The house where the story of Srimad Bhagavat was told regularly, that house | It becomes a place of pilgrimage, and those who live in such a house, (29) all their sins of thousands of Ashwamedha yagnas and hundreds of Vajpayya yagnas destroyed. It can also be compared to the sixteenth part of the Horoscope (30)

 are not This is a reminder that unless people listen attentively to Srimad Bhagavata, their bodies are filled with sins. (31)

 In terms of results, not even Ganga, Gaya, Kashi, Pushkar or Prayag Tirthas can match the story of Shuka Shastra. (32)

If you want to attain salvation, recite half or a quarter of Srimad Bhagavata by yourself regularly. (33)

Om Kar, Gayatri (Mantra), Purusha Sukta, the three Vedas, Srimad Bhagavatam, the twelve-letter mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaaya, Lord Surya, Prayag, Samvatsararupa Kala, Brahman, Agnihotra, Cow, Dwadashi Tithi, Tulas, Spring and Lord Purushottam are all wise People are essentially considered equal. (34 to 36)


There is no doubt that in the man who recites Srimad Bhagavata Shastra with regular meaning, the sins of billions of births are eradicated. (37)

A person who regularly recites half or a quarter (or even a quarter) verse of the Bhagavata gets the merit of performing the Rajasuya and Ashwamedha yagnas. (38)

Reciting the Nitya Bhagavata, meditating on the Lord, pouring water on the Tulsi, and serving the cow are all the same. (39)

Whoever listens to Srimad Bhagavata in the end, the Lord is pleased with him and takes him to Vaikunthadham. (40)

 A man who gives the gift of Bhagavata along with the golden throne to a devotee of Vishnu, he definitely gets the Sayujyapad of the Lord. (41)

An ignorant person who has concentrated his mind throughout his life and has not tasted even a little of Bhagavata-Mrita. He wasted all his birth like a donkey and a donkey. Not only this, he was born only to give birth to his mother. (42)

He is said to be a living cow but he is a sinner

He who has not heard even a little of this auspiciousness, the sinful soul is alive and dead. Indra, the presiding deity of Swargaloka, also says, "Woe to the animal-like man who burdens the earth. (43)

It is rare in this world to tell a story that is based on the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

 "This story of Srimad Bhagavatam is rare in the world and is obtained only after the accumulation of merit in billions of births. (44)

Naradamuna, you are intelligent and a yogi. Listen to this story with effort. There is no restriction on certain days to listen to this story. Always better to listen. (45)

It is considered best to listen to this story with truthfulness and celibacy. But since this is difficult to happen in Kali Yuga, the special ritual of hearing this story told by Shukamuni should be explained. (46)

 In Kali Yuga, since it is difficult to hold the mind for many days, adhere to rules and devote oneself to only one pious work, the ritual of hearing for seven days is prescribed. (47)

Srishukadeva has mentioned in the seven-day Shravan ritual that the fruit that is obtained by devoutly listening at any time or listening in the month of Magha is the same. (48)

 The absence of restraint of mind, many diseases, and short life, as well as many doshas in Kali Yuga, is said to be Saptha-Shravana itself. (49)

The fruit which is not obtained by austerity, yoga, and samadhi, t

| Hand easily obtained by whole fruit week hearing. (50)

Saptashravana Yajna, fasting, penance, pilgrimage, Yagya, meditation

And knowledge is superior to all these. Ah, the feature of this

| What to describe? This weekly hearing is the best of all.


• Shaunaka asked - This is a big surprise for you

| told the story. This Bhagavata Purana is definitely Yogaveta, Brahma

Denoting only Shri Narayana who is their ancestor

is; But knowledge, etc., of all means for attaining salvation

Despite being despised, the fame of this Purana in this era c


The Sutra said: Leave this earth and go to Svadhama

When Lord Krishna left to go (to Goloka),

Then after listening to the teachings of the eleventh skandha from his mouth

Uddhav also asked (similarly).


Uddhav said - Govind, you are ours

I wish to go (to Svadhamas) by doing the welfare of the devotees, but

My mind is anxious. Hearing my concern she relented

Please satisfy me.


Now the terrible Kali Yuga has come. Now again many

The wicked will be revealed. Many good men too when infected with them

When he becomes cruel, he is overwhelmed by his burden

Who will surrender this cow-shaped earth? O Kamalanayana,

I have no one but you to protect me

does not appear


So this Bhaktavatsla,

O compassionate to devotees, have mercy on the saintly men

And don't go from here. Lord, you are formless and

Despite being a symbol, this Saguna form was assumed only for the devotees



Then after our separation, those devotees

How can live on earth? In worshiping Nirguna

It is very difficult. For this you (another) something

think about


Hearing this word of Uddhav in Prabhasekshetra, Bhagwan thought

What do we need to do the support the devotees

Can be done? 60

Then God established His brilliance in the Bhagavata

He did and after entering into this Bhagavatarupi sea



Therefore, this is a real literary idol of God.

(Bhagavata's) worship, hearing, reading (or) even seeing

Destroys the sins of man.


Because of this, it was considered the best weekday hearing

And in Kali Yuga, all other instruments are considered secondary

This is considered the best religion.


In Kaliyuga this is the one religion which

Sorrow, poverty, misfortune, and sin are annihilated

And victory over work-tempered enemies can be achieved. (64)

Getting rid of the illusion of God where even the gods

It is difficult, how can a man be saved there? therefore

(Also to get rid of Maya) the ritual of week-hearing

It has been said. (65)

Soot said - Shaunaka, when Sankadik Munivarya

At that time, the weekly ritual was praised like this

A surprise happened in the meeting. I tell you, listen. (66)

To his two sons who have attained puberty

Bhakti in the form of holy love suddenly appeared there. she

Mukhane "Shrikrishna Govind Hare Murare O Nath Narayan

Vasudeva.” These names were repeatedly chanted. (67)

Bhakti was dressed in beautiful clothes by the members and then

He came there wearing the ornaments of Bhagavata's meaning

saw About how she arrived among sages

Everyone in the meeting started arguing. (68)

Then Sankadik said, "Bhagavata-Katha's

It has just been revealed here from the meaning.” Hearing this

Devotion to Sanatkumar with his sons in the most humble manner


She said so.

Bhakti said - I disappeared in Kali Yuga

was By irrigating Kathamrita, let us strengthen me today

done You tell me now, "Where am I?"

?” Hearing this Sankadik said to her.


 You give the form of God to the devotees, their unique love

Accomplishing and destroying their fate

You are, therefore, in the hearts of Vishnu devotees with courage

living continuously.71

The doshas of this Kali Yuga affect people

Even if there are (those faults) you will be able to see them

No. In this way, as soon as the command is given, the devotee's devotion is immediate

She settled in my heart.


In whose hearts only Hari Bhakti resides,

Although they are poor, they are very blessed; Because come on

The real Lord, bound by the rope of devotion, is also your supreme abode

They leave (Goloka) and come to dwell in the hearts of the devotees.


On this earth, this Bhagavata is actually the form of Parabrahman

is The importance of this is more than we describe as how much

should Narrate it under the patronage of Bhagavata himself

And Lord Krishna's Sarupyamukti to both the hearer

is received. So what is the need for any other religion apart from this



Chapter III


4th chapter

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