Srimad bhagawat mahapuran, 1 st skanda ,9 th chapter


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Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


The first skanda


Shrimad Bhagwat


The ninth chapter


Yudhishthira's approach to Bhishma and

Bhishma's death while praising Lord Krishna


The Sun(name of rishi) said

Thus the subjects (due to war).

King Yudhishthira was terrified by the plague. Later he went to Kurukshetra where Bhishmapita was lying on his bed, desiring to gain knowledge of all religions. (1)


Shaunakadi sages, the chariot which is good at that time

All of them were riding in a golden chariot with horses harnessed

The Pandava brothers followed Yudhishthira. Vyasa, Dhaumya, etc

Muni was also with him.(2)


Shaunaka, Lord Krishna also in the chariot with Arjuna

sat down Then Yudhishthira, along with all those brothers, looked as handsome as Kubera in the community of yakshas. (3)


With your followers and Lord Krishna

After going there, the Pandavas saw those who had fallen from heaven

Like a god, Bhishmapitamah fell on earth. All bowed down to him. (4)


Shaunaka, all the Brahmarshis, Devarshis and Rajarshis had come there to meet Bhishmapitamaha, the Bhushan of the Bharatavarsha.(5)


Parvat, Narada, Dhaumya, Lord Vyasa, Brihadashva, Bharadwaja

Also, the pure-hearted sages like Parasurama, Vasistha, Indrapramad, Trita, Gritsamad, Asita, Kashivan, Gautama, Atri, Vishwamitra, Sudarshan, and Shukadeva, along with their disciples, as well as sages like Kashyapa, Angira-putra Brihaspati, etc. with their disciples also came there. (6-8)


Bhishma Pitamah As, who knew the righteousness of country and time

Seeing those great sages gathered together, he (with his mind and

In terms of) duly honored.

He knew the influence of Lord Krishna. Selfishly

He worshiped Jagadishwara sitting there in human form, as well as Lord Krishna, seated in his heart. (10)


The Pandavas sat near Bhishma Pitamaha with great humility and love. Seeing them, Bhishmapitamaha's eyes filled with tears of love. He said to them, (11)


O sons of Dharma, all of you are Brahmins, Dharma and

Despite being dependent on God, you have suffered so much and you have been treated so unfairly. Alas! This is yours



At the time of Atrathi Pandu's death, you were all young

Kuntirani, whose children were small at that time, had to endure many hardships for you. (13)


As clouds are subject to wind, so too

All this world including Lokpal is under the control of Kalrup Ishvara

is I think that in all of your lives

All the unpleasant incidents that happened were his fault.



Where there is King Yudhisthira, the son of Dharma, Bhimasena, the mace-bearer, Arjuna, the weapons man, Gandhiva, the bowman and Krishna himself, Sanmitra, there should be no disaster! (15)


King, at this time God's will is no man

can't know Even men of great wisdom are fascinated by the desire to know it. (16)


So O Yudhishthira, therefore these events in the world are subject to God's will. Follow him and obey this orphaned subject. Because now you are their master and able to obey. (17)


O Lord Shri Krishna is the real Adipurush Narayan.

They are secretly doing this Leela in the Yadu dynasty, enticing people with their magic. (18)


The very mystical influence of Lord Shankar, Devarshi Narada

And Lord Kapil himself knows this. (19)


Whom do you call your cousin, dear friend, most of all

Consider the benefactor as superior, as well as whom you love

He did not hesitate to make his minister, emissary, charioteer, etc., he is Lord Krishna himself. (20)


This is the omniscient, equal-minded, unique, egoless and

He is innocent and never discriminates between high and low reasons. (21)


O Yudhishthira, look! Despite this insight,

How much grace He gives to His devotees!

And only for this reason, Lord Krishna appeared to me at the time of my sacrifice. (22)


A yogi devotes his mind to Krishna with devotion

And relinquish the body by chanting his name. Thus they are freed from the bondage of desire and karma. (23)


With a pleasant smile and blood-lotus-like Arun eyes, whose face is lotus-faced, whom people see only in meditation, the quadrupedal, Deveshwar Lord Krishna, stay here till I give up my life. (24)


The Suta said - of Bhishmapitamaha lying on the bed of arrows

Hearing this, in front of many sages, Yudhishthira asked them about different types of religions. (25)


Then the philosopher Bhishmapitamaha varna and

According to the ashram, the inherent dharma of men, retirement due to detachment and attachment, and the tendency of dual dharma, charity, royal dharma, moksha dharma, women's dharma, and Bhagavad dharma were described in brief and in detail. Shaunaka! At the same time, the four Purusharthas of Dharma, Artha, Kama, and Moksha, the means of their attainment, were described in sections by telling many anecdotes and histories. (26-28)


Thus Bhishmapitama used to preach the Dharma,

Thus Uttarayana began. Euthanasia is what yogis desire.(29)


At that time, Atirathi Bhishma remained silent and withdrew his unattached mind from all sides and concentrated it in the place of the four-armed Lord Krishna, the primordial being in front of him.


The pain of their weapons is only seen by the sight of God

Disappeared immediately. Also, all inauspiciousness is destroyed by pure meditation on the Lord's idol. Now at the time of abdication, he began to praise the Lord with great love restraining the indulgence of all his senses. (31)


Bhishma said my very pure and

At the time of my death, I surrender my desire-free intellect to the feet of the infinite Lord Shri Krishna. Of the Prakriti through which this creation tradition continues, it is always in its blissful form.



Whose body is beautiful in the Tribhuvana, as well as the tamal tree

Shady in complexion, on whom shines the noble Pitambar like the rays of the sun, on whose lotus face the curled hair is fluttering, may I have unceasing love for Shri Krishna like Arjuna.(33)


Whose frowns fly upon the face of war

The curly hair was dusted with horseshoe dust and was adorned with hot spots. May my heart rejoice in the place of the beautifully armored Lord Krishna, at whose body I was striking with my sharp arrows. (34)


According to our friend Arjuna who

May I have a great love for Lord Krishna, the Parthasaka who immediately brought his chariot between the Pandava-Sena and the Kaurava-sena and stopped there and took away the lives of the enemy's soldiers by his mere sight? (35)


When Arjuna had long been the chief of the Kaurava armies

Seeing us like this, killing relatives is a sin

On understanding, he refrained from war. At that time those who

Destroying his ignorance by preaching self-knowledge in the form of Gita, let my love rest on the feet of that Supreme Personality of Godhead Shri Krishna! (36)


'I will make Shri Krishna take a weapon'

I promised. To prove it true and superior, he broke his vow not to take up his arms, jumped down from his chariot, and, like a lion springing upon an elephant to slay him, sprang upon me with the wheel of the chariot. At that time they ran so fast that their shoulder blades fell off and (therefore) the earth began to tremble. (37)


I shot them with sharp arrows

Their bodies, which had started to bleed due to the shell being broken, were coming at me with great speed to kill me. May Lord Krishna be my sole refuge. (38)


In the left hand to protect Arjuna's chariot

May my supreme love arise in the place of Lord Krishna, who is beautiful in appearance, having taken the reins of the horses and the whip in his right hand. Heroes who died in the war continued to see this form, thus attaining similar salvation.

whose gesticulating graceful gait and sports, melodious

Highly honored with a smile, loving gaze

Gopis, when they entered the raslila of Shri Krishna, misted with ecstasy, imitating whos leelas they became enraptured, (May my supreme love be for that Lord Shri Krishna.)(40)


At the time of Yudhishthira's Rajasuya yajna, in the assembly attended by sages and great kings, the visible Lord Krishna who was first worshiped, the Lord who is the soul of all stands before me. (41)


Like one sun, in many forms to the eyes of many

Appears, as well as manifests itself in many forms in the hearts of many self-created beings. Actually, they are the same

are I have attained to that Lord Krishna, devoid of distinctions and delusions. (42)


The Sut(name of rishi) said


In this way, Bhishma self-identified God with the attitude of his mind, speech, and vision

He absorbed himself in Krishna. Their lives merged there and they became peaceful. (43)


Day seeing them absorbed in infinite Brahman


As the chirping of birds ceased at sunset, all were stunned. (44)


At that time the gods and men started playing the Nagaras.


The good-natured kings began to praise him and


Flowers started raining from the sky. (45)


Hey Shaunaka! Yudhishthira performed his last rites.


At that time he was bereaved for some time. (46)


At that time, the sages praised Lord Krishna with great joy by mysterious names and returned to their respective ashrams with hearts full of Krishna. (47)


After that Yudhishthira along with Lord Krishna

He returned to Hastinapur and there he met his cousins

Comforted Dhritarashtra and the ascetic Gandhari. (48)


Dhritarashtra's command and Lord Krishna's permission

Taking it, the mighty king Yudhishthira began to religiously follow his hereditary empire. (49)


Chapter Nine ends


This is the ninth chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the first section of the Paramahasa-sahitā, entitled Preamble of the kingdom of Yudhiṣṭhira.

srimad bhagawat 1 st skanda 8 the chapter link below

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