Srimad Bhagwatam chapter 5 th Gokarna and Dhundukari leberation

                                     The fifth chapter

The glories of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in the Uttarkhaṇḍa of the Śrīpadma-purāṇa, entitled the description of the liberation of Gokarṇa.

 Dhandhukari's ghostly birth and deliverance from it

Sut said - Shaunaka, one after the death of father

Divas Dhundhukari smacked his eyes hard and asked,

“Speak. Where have you kept the money? If not, kick you(1)

Afraid of the child's threat and his nuisance

Being sad one night she jumped into the well and

She died.(2)

Devout Gokarna went on a pilgrimage. of these events

He was neither happy nor sad. Because he has no one

There was no friend or enemy. (3)

Dhandhukari started living in a house with five prostitutes. For them

॥ His good sense was destroyed by the anxiety of obtaining pleasures

And he began to commit the cruelest deeds (4).

One day those harlots gave him many jewels

 and asked for Enraptured, he forgot death

as He went out of the house to get the jewels. (5)

He steals money from here and there and goes home

came and gave them expensive clothes and lots

Brought ornaments. (6)

At night after seeing a lot of stolen goods

. The harlots thought that this one always steals. then

One day he will surely be caught by the king.(7)

The king will certainly confiscate his wealth and execute him

. will punish So, you are the one to protect the money

Why not kill him incognito? (8)

By killing this, taking this property, we go somewhere

 go away Having made this decision, he went to sleep

Dhandhukari was tied with a rope, with a rope noose around his neck

Even if you try to kill him, he will not die quickly

 They were worried. (9-10)

Then they threw many burning coals on his face

dropped So he was burnt by the flames and died

Fell. (11)

They buried the body in a pit.

Probably women are brave! of this secret act of theirs

None found.(12)

When people ask, she says, "Ours

The lover has gone abroad this time due to greed of money. during the year

He will return.” (13)

Wise men never over evil-tempered women

Not to be trusted. To the fool who believes them

(In the end) one has to be sad. (14)

Women whose voice is like nectar to men

Creates love in hearts, their hearts are like sharp knives

is sharp. Hey! Who loves these women? (15)

All the wealth of Dhandhuka goes to many men

Those prostitutes went elsewhere. Because of your misdeeds (16)

Dhandhukari went into a ghost.

He started wandering in different directions like a whirlwind.

Disturbed by cold, heat, thirst and hunger, he said, “Hi

God! Hi God!” He used to shout like that. But nowhere to him

No shelter. After some time, the death of Dhandhukari

The news reached Gokarna's ears through the people. (17-18)

Then Dhundhukari was considered an orphan (by Gokarna).

Shraddha was performed at Gayakshetri and on every pilgrimage he went to

Thus, he used to do his Shraddha there. (19)

In this way Gokarna returned to his city

And straight at night without being seen by anyone

He went to sleep in the courtyard of his house. (20)

Seeing your brother sleeping at midnight

Dhundhukari showed him her terrible form. (21)

Sometimes it is a buck, sometimes an elephant, sometimes Reda, sometimes Indra

Sometimes he started taking the form of fire. After all, it's human

Appeared as.(22)

Gokarna saw his different states

Decided that this is someone who has attained Durgati

Then he boldly asked him. (23)

Gokarna said - who are you? at night time

Why are you showing such horrible forms? This is your situation

How did it happen? Are you a ghost or a ghost?

are you a monster Tell me if it's true (24)

Sut said - When Gokarna asked this, he

One started crying loudly. He could speak

There was none, so he only made marks. (25)

Then Gokarna took water from a bowl and invited them

and sprinkled on him. So some of his sins


Pret said I am your brother. my name

Dhandhukari I destroyed my Brahmin Hood through my own fault.(27)

My misdeeds are innumerable. I am in great ignorance

I was acting. That's why I hurt people. Finally

Harlots beat me to death. (28)

That is why I have come to Preyoni and am suffering from this predicament.

Now, by fate, as the fruit of my actions, only air eating

Living by (29)

Brother, you are an ocean of mercy. So by doing anything

Get me out of this vagina as soon as possible. By Gokarna Dhundukari

Hearing all the talk, he said to him. (30)

Gokarna said - Brother! I'm right for you

Donated pounds in Gaya Kshetra. Nevertheless, your freedom from pret yoni

I wonder how it didn't happen. (31)

If Gayashradha has not liberated you, then now

There is no other solution. Now you tell me in detail

Tell me, what should I do now? (32)

Pret said that despite performing hundreds of gayashradhas, mine

There will be no liberation. You are now someone else for this

Find out the solution. (33)

Gokarna was greatly surprised to hear these words of the ghost.

He said, if a hundred goes, even by performing shraddham, you will be saved

If not, then your liberation is simply impossible. (34)

This corpse! Now you fearlessly take your place

stay I thought of some other solution for your liberation

Will do. (35)

Dhundhukari takes Gokarna's order and leaves from there

Went to the location. Here Gokarna thought all night

did, but he did not suggest any solution. (36)

When the morning came, the people saw him with love

came to meet him. Then Gokarna at night

He told them everything as it happened. (37)

Among them are those who are learned, devoted, knowledgeable and

Well-versed in the Vedas, he studied many scriptures,

However, they could not find a way to free the corpse. (38) (39)

He praised the sun. God, all of us

-0 You are a witness to the world. Greetings to you. grace

Please tell me the solution to get rid of Dhundukari.

After hearing this prayer of Gokarna, Suryadev spoke clearly from a distance

He said that with Srimad Bhagavata one can be liberated. so you

Make his weekend. This pious promise of Surya there

All heard. (40-41)

Then everyone decided that about this

Whatever Suryanarayan commands, one should follow.

So Gokarna stopped the movement of the sun with his tapoban.

Then everyone said that trying this means

doing Moreover, this tool is very simple. So did Gokarna

Having decided like that, he is ready for the weekly story reading

Done. (42)

Many from neighboring provinces and villages

People came there to hear the stories. many lames,

The blind, the old, and the feeble-minded are also guilty of their sins

He came there with the intention of retiring. (43)

Even the gods were surprised to see such a crowd there

felt When Gokarna sat on the dais and started narrating the story,

Then that corpse also came there and moved here and there to sit

Started looking for a place. Meanwhile, one with seven knots

He lost his sight of a tall reed. (44-45)

In the lowest (knotted) hole of that reed

After entering, the corpse remained sitting there. Because it is a form of air

Couldn't sit out anywhere, so entered the reeds. (46)

Gokarna made a Vaishnava Brahmin his chief audience

And to tell the story in clear words from the first skandha


A strange one when the story ended in the evening

The incident happened. A knot of that reed cracked in front of everyone


Similarly, the next day in the evening another knot

burst, and on the third day at the same time a third lump burst.(49)

Thus in seven days, seven knots break into twelve

After listening to Skandha, Dhandhukari becomes pure and free from pret yoni

became and appeared before all by assuming a divine body

done His body is dark like a cloud, Pitambar

Worn, the neck was adorned with tulsimals. on the head

Beautiful crowns and coils were shining in the ears.(50-51)

He immediately saluted his brother Gokarna

And he said, Brother, you have treated me kindly

You freed me from the torments of love. (52)

This is the story of Srimad Bhagavata which destroys ghosts

blessed yes One who attains Sri Krishna Dham

Even the weekend is blessed (53)

When (one) attains the Yoga of Sapta Shravana

(His) sins tremble. Because the story of Bhagwat

They think that it will destroy us immediately. (54)

As fire wet-dry, small-big (so).

As this Saptashravana consumes all kinds of wood

New-old, small- by mind, speech and action.

Great, consumes all sins. (55)

Scholars have said in the assembly of the gods, Come

He who does not listen to the story of Srimad Bhagavata in India

Birth is in vain.(56)

Good! Passionate nurturing of this perishing body

. By making him fat and strong and if

If you have not heard the story of Srimad Bhagavata, what about it?


Bones are the backbone of the body, with pulse-like cords

1 is bound to it, coating it with flesh and blood

It is covered with skin. Since this is a pot of excrement

Each of these parts is stinking. (58)

It is sad as a result of old age and mourning

And it is the home of diseases. By some will

There is anxiety, it is never satisfied. Hold it

It is also a burden to do. It is full of flaws

are and it does not take a moment to perish.(59)

Finally, if these are buried, worms will emerge from them.

If eaten by animals, it turns into excrement and is burned in the fire

Then a pile of ashes is formed. This is done in three ways

It ends. Man is indestructible from such a perishable body

Why not do fruitful work? (60)

Food that is cooked in the morning, until evening

gets damaged. Then fattened by their juice

How will the body remain eternal? (61)

The absence of God in this world by doing Saptha Shravana

 be achieved

This is the only tool.

. Therefore, for all kinds of defects to disappear (62)

Those who do not listen to Bhagavata stories

Just disappear like bubbles and mosquitoes on water

They are born to be. (63)

The effect of which is lifeless and withered bamboo

The knots are broken, and the ignorance of the mind is broken by listening to that Bhagavata story

The knot will be removed, what is special about it? (64)

The ignorance of man's heart by doing Saptha Shravana

The knot dissolves, all his doubts disappear, and all karma


This Bhagavata-style pilgrimage is the sinful mire of the world

Good at washing. Scholars say,

When this Katha tirtha is fixed in the heart, men's liberation


While Dhundhukari was telling all this, at the same time

A bright plane with councilors from Vaikuntha landed there. (67)

Dhandhukari boarded that plane in front of all the people

sat down Then Gokarna saw the councilors who came from the plane

He said to them, (68)

Gokarna asked - dear councilors of God!

There are many pure-hearted listeners here. For all of them

Why didn't you bring more planes with you?

It seems to us that everyone here is the same

Bhavna has heard the story. Then such a difference in fruition

Why we must tell. (69-70)

Haridas said: The cause of the difference in attainment of fruits

This is the difference in hearing. Shravan did the same for everyone

It is right to say. But like this, everyone meditated

No. That is why even after listening to them all at the same time

There was a difference in the fruit. (71)

This corpse had fasted for seven days and listened.

Also, a lot of meditation on the subject heard with a steady mind and

He was also doing Nididhyasana (72).

The knowledge that is not established (in the mind) is useless.

Similarly, inattentive listening is done with a skeptical mind

Done while chanting and wandering the mind

Chanting does not yield any results. (73)

A non-Vaishnava country, of Shraddha given to an unqualified person

food, alms given to non-Vaidika and immoral lineage,

All this is in vain. (74)

Belief in the Guru Vachana, humility in the heart, in the mind

Conquering disorders and concentration of mind while listening to stories

If such rules are followed, the fruit of hearing is obtained

And thus the listeners again the story of Srimad Bhagavata

If they hear it, they will surely get Vaikuntha. (75-76)

O Gokarna, God Himself has come to us

All those councils will take it to Golokdham

Vaikunthalok left after performing Harikirtan. (77)

Gokarna again in the month of Shravan, in the same way, week

told the story by doing and repeating it to the same audience

heard ON Narada Muni! What happened after the end of this story,

Listen to it. (78-79)

Lord there with planes full of His devotees

revealed. At that time greetings and cheers everywhere

Ghosh began to be heard. (80)

God is very happy with his Panchajanya Shankha

cried and hugged Gokarna to his heart

He was made like us. (81)

In an instant, the Lord made all the other listeners like a cloud

By Shyamvarna, Reshmi Pitambardhari, Crown and Kundle


By the grace of Gokarna from that village dog

As many as there were lives till Chandal, all of them in the plane

Installed. (83)

Wherever yogis go, in that Bhagavatha they all

was sent. Thus pleased by hearing the story

Lord Krishna, who is compassionate to his devotees, takes Gokarna with him

Beloved of the gopis went to Goloka Dhama. (84)

Just like before Lord Shri Ram to the people of Ayodhya

Bhagwan also went to his dhamma with it

Shri Krishna took all of them and even the worthy ones were rare

went to Goloka. (85)

People in whom Surya, Moon, and Siddha also go

Could not, they went there because of listening to Srimad Bhagavat.(86)

The bright fruit of listening to the week-yagna-story

What should we tell you about it?

Hey! Those who were told by Gokarna through their eardrums

Heard even one letter of the story, he became Garbhavasi again

No. (87)

The speed at which the devotee easily attains through Satpasarvana

By doing, that speed man wind, water, or leaves

By eating and drying his body and performing severe penance for a long time

And cannot be attained even by practicing yoga. (88)

Parayana of this most sacred history on Chitrakoot mountain

Munishwar Shandilya, who is seated, is also engrossed in Brahmananda


This story is very sacred. Even after hearing it once

All sins are destroyed. If recited during Shraddha

This satisfies the patriarchs and by reciting it regularly

Salvation is attained. (90)

                            Chapter Five ends

This is the fifth chapter of the glories of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam in the Uttarkhaṇḍa of the Śrīpadma-purāṇa, entitled the description of the liberation of Gokarṇa.

6 the chapter

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