Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuran , The first skanda , The first chapter,

                Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuran  , The first skanda  ,  The first chapter

               Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuran  , The first skanda  ,  The first chapter




                                   Om Tatsat


                        SHRI GANESHAYA NAMAH


                     OM NAMAH SRIVASUDEVAYA


               Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


                            The first skanda


                            The first chapter


Questions of Shaunak and other sages to the Sutas

This universe is born from God. This world

It operates on its basis and disappears in it

was From His existence (Anvaya) in all matter He

From all these it is proved that there is a material cause of the universe

Because it is different (vyatireka), it is the cause.

It is determined. (Because) He is All-Knowing and

is self-luminous. He alone is incomprehensible even to wise sages

The Vedas were given only by concept to the Creator, the Creator of creation.

He has sattva-gunrupa brilliance, Rajo-gunamaya water and tamogunamaya

The Taittiriya Shruti says that the earth was created from itself.

Because that is their secondary cause, those ghosts seem real.

(Yet it is a non-dualistically generated illusion.) As such

Burnt on sunlight (deer), glass on water (form soil)

Or even if the water is not real on glassy soil

Truth is felt by authority, and the universe by divine power

. It feels true. (Here the three creations are Sattva, Raja and Tama

The three Gunas or Panchabhutas, the senses and their presiding deities

They can also be produced.) Despite this, own

By the radiance which (in the minds of exclusive devotees) the darkness of maya

Completely annihilates, that unique ultimate truth

We meditate on the Supreme (for maya nirasa). (1)


From the Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapurana, composed by the great sage Vyasa

Denoting the Supreme Dharma without any desire till Moksha

has done In this by righteous men with pure hearts

Depicted as the original knowable Supreme Being, it

All three, metaphysical, metaphysical and spiritual

Eliminates fevers from the root and is supremely beneficial

is the doer. When virtuous men hear this scripture

desires, at that time God is in their hearts without delay

become stable, then other means or science besides this

What do they need?(2)


O devotees who know the taste of devotion! O Srimad Bhagavatam Vedarupi

Kalpa tree is a ripe fruit. of the parrot in the form of Srishukadev

It is full of amritara as it comes into contact with the mouth. This idol

is interested As long as there is life in the body, or

On earth of this divine Bhagavatrasa until the rhythm of the mind

Keep enjoy the nector of lord Vishnu stories()


         Beginning of the story

: The most auspicious place of Lord Vishnu and deities

Once in Naimisharana, the sage Shaunkadi

Lasting for a thousand years with the desire to attain God

A great sacrifice was performed.()


One day this sage lit fire in the morning

After completing the daily activities, worshiped the yarns and gave them one

Seated on the throne and asked with great respect.()



Rishi said Suta sir, you are innocent

are you We all history, Puranas and Dharmashastras

Yathashastra has been studied. And in their best way

It has also been stated.()


Lord Badarayana is the best among those who know the Vedas

(Vyas) and to the Saguna-Nirguna form of God

Other sages who know also gain the knowledge of the subjects

has done, all that knowledge is given to us by His grace

is Because Gurujan also imparts secret knowledge to his beloved disciple(-)


Sir, please tell me that out of them

People born in Kali Yuga will be blessed with supreme welfare

Which simple tool have you determined?()


In this Kali Yuga people's lives were mostly shortened

is They have become lazy. Their understanding is the same

is They are unlucky. Moreover, they are of many types

are surrounded by obstacles.(१०)


Describing many actions, known

There are many department wise sciences. So do it, you

Extract their essence with our intellect to us faithful people

Say it. That will make our hearts calm. (11)


Mr. Soot, may your welfare be with you. protector of the Yadu dynasty

Why was Lord Krishna born from Vasudeva-Devaki?

Taken, as we know it.(12)


We want to hear it. Please do it


Describe it. Because God's incarnation is for the sustenance of living beings


And is happening for prosperity.(१३)


This life is caught in the terrible trap of birth and death


is Even in this condition, if he ever mentions the name of God


If uttered, he is freed at that moment. Because itself


Fear God.(१४)



Munijan who has become supremely calm due to surrender to God


A mere touch immediately sanctifies the soul.


(Instead) only after drinking Ganga water for many days


Sanctify the place.(१५)



Those pious devotees whose leelas are praised,


The holy success of that Lord who vanquishes the faults of Kali Yuga,


What kind of person wants self-purification?


Will not listen?(१६)


They incarnate through their Leelas. Nardadi


The great men described their generous deeds


is Let us describe them for us devotees. (17)


O intelligent Suta, the all-powerful Lord by Your Yogamaya


Do the Leela in a clean manner. You are that Srihari


Describe now the auspicious incarnations.(१८)


The footsteps of God to the discerning listeners


As they experience new rasas from Leelas


We are never satisfied with listening.(१९)


Lord Krishna remained in secret in human form


Along with Balarama, he also performed some feats such as,


Man cannot do it.(२०)


Knowing that the Kali Yuga has come, in this Vaishnava realm


We settled down for a long session


are So for us to hear the story of Srihari


There is (plenty of) time.(२१)


This Kali Yuga of purity and power in the heart


is destructive. It's hard to get through. As such


As one who crosses the sea should find a boat


To us who wish to pass over (from the Kaliyuga).


Lord Brahma has made his gift. (22) Dharma Rakshak, Brahmin Devotee, Yogeshwar Lord Krishna

Now after going to Swadhama, to whom did Dharma surrender?

you should say(२३)

                  Chapter 1 ends

                                         Chapter 1 ends

This is the first chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the compilation known as the Paramahaṁsa-saṁhitā, containing the narrative of Naimiṣīya.

                                  Om Tatsat


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