Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam,1st skanda,5th chapter,Importance of Yash-Kirtan of Lord and Prehistory of Devarshi Narada

 Om Tatsat






Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


The first skanda

Shrimad Bhagwat

the fifth chapter


Importance of Yash-Kirtan of Lord and Prehistory of Devarshi Narada


Sut said - then sitting comfortably, in hand

Narada, the supremely successful devarshi who took the veena, asked Brahmarishi Vyasa sitting near him with a smiling expression.(1)


Narada asked - O Vyasa Maharsha, your body

And is not the mind also satisfied with our deeds and thoughts? (2)


Your manisha must have been fulfilled; because

The Mahabharata that you have composed is very wonderful. That structure is full of all virtues like religion. We have meditated a lot on the eternal Brahman and realized it. Even so, O Lord, why do you heal grief like an unthankful man?(4)


Vyas said - You said that about me

All is true. Despite this, my mind is not satisfied, I do not understand the reason. Your knowledge is unfathomable. You are actually the mental son of Lord Brahma. Therefore I (5)


You are asking the reason for this.

You know all the hidden secrets. Because you are

Purana Purusha is worshiped, who is the master of both nature and Purusha, who, though himself unattached, continues to create the state of creation and destruction of this creation only by his resolution, through his qualities.(6)


You travel like the sun in all three lokas and

You are the witness of everyone's heart, like life. I

Even though I have fully attained both Parabrahm and Shabda Brahma through observance of rules, I should tell what is lacking in me.(7)


Srinarada said - You are probably pure of God

Success was not celebrated. I think that science or knowledge which does not please God is incomplete.(8)


Munivarya, we are the representation of Dharma etc. Purushartha

As has been done, the glory of Lord Krishna has not been depicted. (9)


He lived with a voice full of rasabhavalankaras

Described the success of Lord Krishna who sanctifies

No, such a speech is considered as impure as the place where food is thrown for crows. Like the swans roaming in Mansarovar, the dependents of Bhagavad Charana, who are rejoicing in Brahmadham, are not rejoicing in such a structure. (10)


Conversely, a structure that is full of corrupt words,

But whose every verse is filled with the auspicious names of God, it is Vani that destroys all the sins of the people. Because Satpurush listens to such voices, sings and chants. (11)


Pure knowledge which is the real means of attaining salvation,

If it is devoid of Bhagavad Bhakti, it is not so beautiful. Then how can the kamma karma (means) which is always inauspicious both in the state of means and accomplishment, and even the involuntary karma which is not offered to God? (12)


Vyasa Maharsha, your vision is perfect and your fame is holy

You are satyavati and tenacious. Since that is the case

By the yoga of samadhi we are freed from the bonds of the whole life

To do, Achintyashakti remembers the Leelas of God

Do. (13)


A man who is anything other than the Leela of God

Desires to say, that discerning man with that desire

One finds himself in the cycle of many created names. As a name wavering in the gust of wind is consumed by eternal hell, so the fickle mind of such a person does not settle anywhere. (14)


Worldly people are by nature involved in matters.

To do reprehensible deeds in the name of religion

We ordered them, it all turned out the other way around.

Because the common people do not listen to those who condemn such a religion considering the reprehensible karma as the main religion.

God's attributes are infinite. A wise thinker

It is men who retire from the world and take the form of God

One can experience ecstasy. Therefore, for the welfare of those who have no inclination towards altruism and who are shaken by virtues, we should describe the pastimes of the Lord.

If the bhajan-pujan ends, is there anything bad about it? But someone else who only follows self-religion without worshiping God, what benefit does he get? (17)


An intelligent man strives for the attainment of such an object

Everything from the ant to Brahma should be done

It is not attained as a result of karmas done in higher and lower yoni. According to the law of Achintya Gati time, subject happiness is naturally acquired by all, just like suffering. (18)


O Mune, who is the foot servant of Lord Krishna

Like a person who does not chant Bhagavad Bhajan but does dharma-karma, he does not get trapped in the cycle of birth and death even if he commits some sinful actions. When that servant remembers the embrace of Bhagavacharana, he does not want to refrain from it, because he is fond of Bhagavadura.

From whom the origin, condition and

There is rhythm, they are God in the form of this universe. like that

However, they are different. You know this, yet I have reminded you of this. (20)


Your vision is accurate. You understand this

That you are an incarnation of Lord Purushottam. Even though we were unborn, we took birth for the welfare of the world

Therefore we should specially describe the pastimes of God. (21)


Scholars say that penance performed by man,

Veda study, sacrificial rituals, svadhyaya, knowledge and charity

Their sole purpose is to describe the merits and Leelas of the illustrious Shri Krishna.(22)


O Mune, I am one of my previous births in the previous Kalpa

He became the son of a Brahmin maidservant. During one rainy season, some Yogis were spending Chaturmas there. As a child, I was asked to serve him. (23)


Although I was young, of any kind

Not kidding, the senses were under me. I stayed away from playing and serving them as per their orders. I spoke very little. Seeing this good behavior of mine, even though the righteous ones showed favor to me.(24)


Remaining in their character with their permission

I used to eat once a day. So all my sins disappeared, my heart became pure while serving them in this way and I began to enjoy the bhajan-pujas that those people used to perform.(25)


In that Satsang the grace of Lilaganaparayan Mahatmas

As a result, I started listening to the beautiful stories of Shri Krishna every day. As I listened to each story with devotion, I began to love the beloved Lord. (26)


O Mahamuni, as I love God

It started to feel like my mind was fixed in their place

done Because of this fixed intellect, despite being in this entire causal world, I began to imagine in my Parabrahma form self, 'This is Maya.'(27)


Thus, during the two seasons of Varsha and Sharad, the Mahatma used to chant the auspicious success of Shri Hari three times a day and I used to listen to it with love. That is how the devotion that destroys the Rajogun and Tamogun of the mind began to rise in my heart.(28)


I was loving and polite. My sin with their service

disappeared. I had faith in my heart. I had restrained the senses. And I was obedient to them. (29)


The deepest knowledge which is preached by God himself

That knowledge was done by mouth, by those lowly sages

Being gracious, gave it to me on my way. (30)


Lord Krishna is the creator of this world because of that teaching

I could feel the influence of his maya. J

By knowing one attains the supreme position of God. (31)


O Brahman, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Krishna, in all actions

I told you that devotion is the only cure for the threefold fevers of the world.(32)


A substance that causes disease in animals,

After experimenting with the same substance, will not that disease disappear? (33)


Thus even though all the deeds of a man are born to him-

Even though the forms of death are entrapped in the cycle of worlds, if one surrenders those deeds to God, one's deeds (karmasandhan) are destroyed.(34)


These people who (scripturally prescribed) the deeds of the Lord

It is done for the sake of happiness, from which one attains the knowledge of parabhakti. (35)


On the path of karma that is performed in the service of God,

Acting according to God's orders, people often remember God by chanting his attributes and names.(36)


Lord! Salutations to Lord Srivasudeva.

We do our meditation. Pradyumna, Aniruddha and

Greetings to Sankarshan too. (37)


Thus the man who, by the name of the image of the Lord,

The Mantramurti Lord worships the Yagya Purusha, who has no idol other than the Mantra, whose knowledge is complete and true.(38)


Brahmarshi, when I obeyed the Lord's orders in this way, knowing this, Lord Krishna bestowed upon me self-knowledge, opulence and His devotion.(39)


You are fully enlightened. You are the glory of God


describe This will satisfy the curiosity of big wise people. For those who are repeatedly afflicted by samsara, it can also bring about the retirement of sorrow. There is no other solution. (40)


            Chapter Five ends

This is the fifth chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the first section of the Paramahasa-sahitā, the conversation between Vyāsa and Nārada.

Srimad bhagwat mahapuran 1st skanda,4 the chapter link below


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