Srimad Bhagwat puran ,1st skanda, 8 th chapter


                                                      Om Tatsat






Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


The first skanda


Shrimad Bhagwat



The eighth chapter


Parikshit's protection in the womb, Kunti's praise of Go,d and Yudhishthira's mourning


After this, the Pandavas went to the bank of the Ganga-Tira, leading the women along with Krishna, to pay tribute to their dead relatives. (1)


There they all paid their respects to the deceased brothers and

 moaned again. After that, the bathed again in the water of the Ganges which had been sanctified by the dust of the Lord's lotus feet. (2)


Kururaja Maharaj Yudhishthira, his brother, Dhritarashtra,

Gandhari, Kunt, I and Draupadi, distraught with bereavement, were all mourning for their dead relatives. Shri Krishna consoled them along with Dhaumya Munis and made them understand that all beings in the world are subject to time. No one can escape from death. God (3-4)


Thus, treacherously usurped by crafty brothers

Lord Krishna gave the kingdom to Yudhishthira Maharaja, an enemy of Ajat. He also killed the evil kings whose lives were lost by touching Draupadi's hair. (4)


 Likewise by better materials and priests

Three Ashwamedha yagnas were performed by Yudhishthira. Thus, like the success of Indra who performed a hundred sacrifices, Yudhishthira's holy success spread in ten directions. (6)


After that Lord Krishna thought of going from there Vyasa and other Brahmins were honored by the Pandavasand 

said goodbye All of them are great to Lord Krishna

Then Krishna, along with Satyaki and Uddhava mounted the chariot to go to Dwarka. At the same time, he saw that Uttara, who was terrified, was running from the front. (7-8)


Uttara said - Devadhideva, Jagadishwara, you

You are a great yogi. You protect me. In this worldno one givess me refuge except you. Because hereevery onee is causing the death of others. (9)


O Lord, You are Almighty. hot

This iron arrow is speeding towards me. Swami, let this consume my pleasure, but let it not shock my womb. (10)


Soot said - As soon as Bhaktavatsala Bhagwan heard her words of compassion, he misunderstood that it was Ashwatthama who had experimented with Brahmastra to destroy the race of Pandavas. (11)


O sage, the five burning arrows belong to us

At the same time the Pandavas saw them coming, so they also prepared their weapons .(12)


The almighty lord Krishna has his unique

Seeing the plight of the loving devotees, His Sudarshan Chakra protected them.(13)


Lord Krishna, the Lord of Yoga, in His own form in the hearts of all beings

are seated. In order to continue the lineage of the Pandavas, they covered the womb of the north with their magic. (14)


Shaunaka, though Brahmastra is infallible and him

There is no way to resist, Lord

When he came in front of Krishna's radiance, he became calm. (15)


There is no reason to wonder. because

Lord Krishna is the source of all wonders. Although He Himself is unborn, He creates, preserves and destroys this universethroughy the Yoga of Maya .(16)


When Lord Krishna left to go, then

Sati Kunti along with her son and Draupadi, freed from the flames of Brahmastra,was  praised in this way .(17)


Kunti said - we are all beings outside and

living in; Yet we cannot be seen by the senses and instincts, being the primordial Lord beyond nature. I salute you. (18)


At the bottom of all that is perceived by the senses

If you exist, but are covered by the veil of your maya, how can I know you, the ignorant woman, the imperishable man? People of dim intelligence cannot recognize the one wearing the guise of a nut even by seeing them, similarly we cannot recognize them. (19)


You have incarnated to germinate your loving devotion in the hearts of the pure-hearted, sane, life-free Paramahamsa. Then how can a small-minded woman like me know you? (20)


O Sri Krishna, Vasudeva, Devakinandana, beloved child of Nandagopa, Govinda, may we again and again salute you.(21)


From whose navel is the birthplace of Lord Brahma


The lotus has appeared, to you who wear garlands of beautiful lotuses, whose eyes are like lotuses, whose feet are marked with lotuses, may my repeated salutations be to you.(22)


O Hrishikesha, imprisoned by the wicked Kamsa and numerous


As we protect Devaki who is in mourning for the day


You have protected me and my sons from time to time. You are our master. You are almighty. (Crisis-relief) How many cases should be told? You have protected us from poison, from the terrible fire of Lakshagriha, from the clutches of demons like Hidimba, from the deputations of the wicked, from the calamities of exile, from the weapons of the Maharathyas during many wars and now from the Brahmastra of Ashwatthama. (23-24)


Oh Jagadguru, step by step in our life


Troubles keep coming to us, because only in times of trouble


We have a definite darshan and after darshan the birth-


There is salvation from the cycle of death itself. (25)


Arrogant because of birth in a high clan, learning and wealth


People who have become can't take their names. Because we give darshan only to those who do not have worldly objects and lusts.(26)


You are the wealth of the poor. Maya is present to us


can't touch We rejoice in Atmananda

You are very calm. You are the master of salvation. I salute you again and again. (27)


I am eternal, infinite, all-pervading, all-encompassing

Niyanta is considered to be the Lord who is in the form of time.

Because of discrimination, we communicate equally among all who are at odds with each other.(28)


Lord, when you play like a human being,


No one understands what you want to do then.


No one is dear to you, no one is unpleasant. However, people's wisdom regarding us is different. (29)


You are the soul of the universe, the embodiment of the universe.

We neither take birth nor do karma. However, we take birth in the yoni of animals, birds, humans, sages, aquatics, etc. and perform divine deeds according to those yoni. This is our Leela. (30)


Mother Yashoda when we broke the camp of curds

Angry and she took a rope in her hand to tie us. Seeing that, tears came to my eyes, so the dirt started flowing from my cheeks, my eyes were filled with tears and I stood with my head down, I am fascinated by the memory of that green image of mine. (31)


Explaining the reason why we were born in spite of being unborn, some sages say that just as sandalwood trees appear there to spread the fame of the Malay mountain, so we have incarnated in the lineage of our beloved devotee Punyasloka King Yadu to spread his fame.(32)


Others say that Vasudeva was predeceased by Devaki

This is what God asked of us in birth (in the form of Sutapa and Prishni), that is why we, though unborn, became his sons for the welfare of the world and the destruction of the demons.(33)


Others say that they drown in the sea

Like a ship, when this earth became unstable, afflicted by the burden of demons, you appeared to lighten the burden of the earth by the prayer of Lord Brahma.(34)


Some great men say that people who come

Afflicted in the world by ignorance, lust, and attachment to karma, they incarnated with the thought of hearing and recollecting Leela.(35)


Devotees frequently listen to his biography, sing,

Delighted by kirtan and remembrance, they immediately see their lotus feet. Thus their flow of birth and death stops forever.(36)


O God who fulfills the desires of the devotees, you are today

Those who have come to your shelter and shelter

Will you leave us? The sin of killing kings

We have no refuge except our lotus feet. (37)


As if there is no life, the senses become powerless, so we have not seen, what is the name and appearance of Yaduvanshi or Pandava worth?(38)


O mace bearer, with your unusual footprints

This land of Kurudesha will not remain as beautiful as it is today, with our departure. (39)


It is through the influence of our vision that this country is rich and rich

It is enriched with creeper-trees. These forests, these mountains, rivers

And even the seas are increasing with our gaze. (40)


You are the lord of the universe, the soul and the universe.

I am very fond of Yaduvanshi and Pandavas. You should break my ties. (41)


Shri Krishna, just as the Ganges streams unceasingly to the sea

In the same way, let my intellect not wander here and there and keep loving only you continuously. (42)


O Lord Krishna, Arjuna's beloved companion, the head of the Yadu dynasty,

You, the giants in royal garb who burdened the earth

You are like fire to burn. Our power is infinite. O Govinda, this incarnation of yours is to remove the miseries of cows, Brahmins and deities. Yogeshwara, Lord of Charachara, I salute you.'(43)


Suta said - thus Kunti great mellow

Words describe more and more of the Leelas of God. Hearing all this, Lord Krishna began to smile softly, enticing Kunti with his love. (44)


He said to Kunti, "Okay" and from there

Returned to Hastinapura. After taking leave of Kunti, Subhadra, etc., when he started to go to Dwarka, King Yudhishthira stopped him with great love. (45)


King Yudhishthira was very sad because his brothers were killed

Was sad. Maharishi like Vyasa who knew the meaning of Lord's Leelas and Lord Shri Krishna himself who showed wonderful character tried hard to make him understand by narrating many historical incidents. But he was not satisfied, he continued to mourn. (46)


Shaunakadi sages, your adopted son, King Yudhishthira

Thinking of the slaughter of his relatives, he became fond and infatuated by his imprudent mind and said - Look at the ignorance that has strengthened in the heart of my evil soul! For this body, which was the food of foxes and dogs, I destroyed many *Akshauhini armies.(47-48)


I have betrayed children, Brahmins, brothers, friends, uncles, brothers and teachers. Even after billions of years I will not be freed from hell.(49)


The king made the subjects obey the enemies in the crusade


According to this scripture, there is no sin in killing


 But I am not satisfied. (50)


By me for killing the husbands and brothers of women


The expiation sacrifice for the crime they have committed-


I will not be able to do it even with Yagadi Karmas.(51)


Just as muddy water cannot be purified by mud,


Alcohol alone cannot remove the impurity of alcohol,


Similarly, many violent sacrifices do not atone for the killing of even one animal. (52)


Chapter VIII ends


This is the eighth chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the compilation known as the Paramahasa-sahitā, the first section, entitled the repentance of Kunti and Yudhiṣṭhira.

Srimadbhagawat puran ,1st skanda, 7 th chapter link below

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