Srimadbhagawat puran ,1st skanda, 7 th chapter


                                                        Om Tatsat


                        SHRI GANESHAYA NAMAH


                       OM NAMAH SRI VASUDEVAYA


              Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


                                  The first Skanda

                                    Shrimad Bhagwat


                       The seventh chapter


Ashwatthama's killing of Draupadi's sons and Ashwatthama's defamation by Arjuna



Shaunaka asked - Lord Sutam, after the departure of Narada, Vyasa, who is omniscient and omnipotent,

What did you do after hearing the opinion?


West of Brahmanadi Saraswati river

There is an ashram called Shamyapras on the coast. Sages always perform sacrifices there.(2)


Vyasa has his own ashram there. It is surrounded by a beautiful grove of Bori trees. Sitting in that ashram, he meditated and concentrated his mind.(3)


He completely concentrated and purified his mind through Bhakti Yoga and saw the Primordial Supreme Being and Maya who resided under His shelter.(4)


Enchanted by this maya, this living being, though originally beyond the three gunas, regards us as threefold and suffers the miseries caused by it.(5)


Devotion to God is the only real means of solving these calamities. But worldly people do not know this. With this in mind (Vyasa) composed the Srimad Bhagavata. (6)


Mere hearing of this leads to supreme-loving devotion to the Purushottama Lord Krishna. It destroys the soul's grief, temptation and fear.(7)


.He composed this Bhagavata-samhita and then taught it to his ascetic son Shuka.(8)


Shaunaka asked - Srishukadev is very retired. They do not expect anything. They are always introspective. If so, why did he study this vast book? Sut said(9)


Those who are enlightened, those who are freed from the knot of ignorance and who are always rejoicing in the soul, are also devoted to the Lord. Because God's qualities are so sweet that they attract everyone to Him. (10)


Lord Shukadeva is very dear to the devotees and is himself the son of Lord Vyasa. His heart was attracted by the qualities of God and because of that he studied this great book.(11)


Now I tell the story of the birth, karma and salvation of Rajarishi Parikshit and the ascension of the Pandavas. Because many stories of Lord Krishna originate from it. (12)


When in the Kaurava-Pandava war, both parties

After many heroes were killed and Duryodhana's thigh was broken by Bhima's mace, Ashwatthama cut off the heads of Draupadi's sleeping sons and brought them to Duryodhana as a gift to endear him to his king Duryodhana. Duryodhana did not like this. Because everyone condemns such vile deeds. (13-14)


Draupadi, the mother of those children, was very saddened to hear the news of the death of her sons. Tears started flowing from her eyes. She started crying. Arjun consoled her and said.(15)


O Kalyani, when I cut off the head of that Atatayi* Adham Brahmin with the arrows of (my) Gandiva bow and bring it to you as a gift, and after the cremation of your burnt sons you bathe with your feet on that head, I shall wipe away your tears at the same time. (16).


Arjuna consoled Draupadi with such sweet but strange words and his Suhrid Lord Krishna| Formed as a charioteer and wearing armor on his body, carrying his fierce Gandiva bow, he mounted the chariot and the Gurupura He started chasing Ashwatthama.(१७)


1 Ashwatthama, horrified by the killing of the children, saw Arjuna walking towards him and ran as far as he could to save his life, just as Surya ran away from Rudra. * (18)

When the Brahmin son saw that the horses of his chariot were tired and that he was helpless, he realized that the only means of protection was the Brahmastra.(१९)


Although he knows the science of taking back the Brahmastra No, but life threatening Seeing He Achman did, meditated and left the Brahmastra. (20)


A tremendous radiance of that weapon spread in all directions. Arjuna realized that now his life is at stake. Then he prayed to Shri Krishna.(२१)


Arjuna said - O Lord Krishna, you are the refuge of the devotees. We are also the ones who deliver the souls who are burning in the burning fire of the world

are you(२२)


You are the Adipurusha, beyond nature, the very Lord. By canceling maya with your will, you are situated in your unique form. (23)

You show the path of welfare in the form of dharma by your influence to the souls enamored by maya. (24)


This is your avatar to remove the burden (of the demons) from the earth and so that your devoted devotees may constantly remember and meditate on you. (25)


Swaya Prakashrupa Shri Krishna, this terrible effulgence is coming towards me from all directions. I have no idea what it is and where it is coming from. (26)

Lord said - It is believed that Ashwatthama has left this Brahmastra due to the danger of his life. But he does not know how to take it back.(२७)


No other weapon has the power to knock down this weapon. You are well versed in weaponry. By the brilliance of your brahmastra extinguish the immense brilliance of this brahmastra. (28)


Soot said - Arjuna was skilled in killing the heroes of the enemy. Hearing the Lord's advice, he performed Achaman, circumambulated the Lord and planned (another) Brahmastra to remedy the Brahmastra. (29)


The brilliance of those two brahmastras surrounded by arrows, like sun and fire, colliding with each other, grew to cover the sky and all directions. (30)


The burning, growing, burning flames of the two Brahmastras seemed to bring doom to the subjects. (31)


Seeing that the three people and the subjects were being destroyed by that fire, Arjuna took both the brahmastras by taking the order of the Lord.(32)


Arjuna's eyes were red with anger. He seized the cruel Aswatthama and bound him as one would tie an animal with a rope.(33)


When Arjuna was about to tie Ashwatthama with a rope and lead him to the camp with great strength, Kamalanayan Lord Krishna got angry and said to him,(34)

“Partha, let this ignoble Brahmin live

Not appropriate. Kill him. Innocent sleeping at night

It has killed children. (35)


A pious man never kills an enemy befuddled by alcohol, restless, mad, asleep, a child, a woman, imprudent, surrendered, chariotless and fearful. (36)


A wicked and cruel man who feeds his life by killing others, it is better to kill him. Because if a person with such a tendency remains alive, he will commit more sins and go to hell. (37)


Lord said - It is believed that Ashwatthama has left this Brahmastra due to the danger of his life. But he does not know how to take it back. (27)


No other weapon has the power to knock down this weapon. You are well versed in weaponry. By the brilliance of your brahmastra extinguish the immense brilliance of this brahmastra. (28)


Soot said - Arjuna was skilled in killing the heroes of the enemy. Hearing the Lord's advice, he performed Achaman, circumambulated the Lord and planned (another) Brahmastra to remedy the Brahmastra. (29)


The brilliance of those two brahmastras surrounded by arrows, like sun and fire, colliding with each other, grew to cover the sky and all directions. (30)


The burning, growing, burning flames of the two Brahmastras seemed to bring doom to the subjects. (31)


Seeing that the three people and the subjects were being destroyed by that fire, Arjuna took both the brahmastras by taking the order of the Lord.(32)

Arjuna's eyes were red with anger. He seized the cruel Aswatthama and bound him as one would tie an animal with a rope.(33)


When Arjuna was about to tie Ashwatthama with a rope and lead him to the camp with great strength, Kamalanayan Lord Krishna got angry and said to him,(34)


“Partha, let this ignoble Brahmin live

Not appropriate. Kill him. Innocent sleeping at night

It has killed children. (35)


A pious man never kills an enemy befuddled by alcohol, restless, mad, asleep, a child, a woman, imprudent, surrendered, chariotless and fearful. (36)


A wicked and cruel man who feeds his life by killing others, it is better to kill him. Because if a person with such a tendency remains alive, he will commit more sins and go to hell. (37)


Lord said - It is believed that Ashwatthama has left this Brahmastra due to the danger of his life. But he does not know how to take it back. (27)


No other weapon has the power to knock down this weapon. You are well versed in weaponry. By the brilliance of your brahmastra extinguish the immense brilliance of this brahmastra. (28)


Soot said - Arjuna was skilled in killing the heroes of the enemy. Hearing the Lord's advice, he performed Achaman, circumambulated the Lord and planned (another) Brahmastra to remedy the Brahmastra. (29)

The brilliance of those two brahmastras surrounded by arrows, like sun and fire, colliding with each other, grew to cover the sky and all directions. (30)


The burning, growing, burning flames of the two Brahmastras seemed to bring doom to the subjects. (31)


Seeing that the three people and the subjects were being destroyed by that fire, Arjuna took both the brahmastras by taking the order of the Lord.(32)


Arjuna's eyes were red with anger. He seized the cruel Aswatthama and bound him as one would tie an animal with a rope.(33)


When Arjuna was about to tie Ashwatthama with a rope and lead him to the camp with great strength, Kamalanayan Lord Krishna got angry and said to him,(34)


“Partha, let this ignoble Brahmin live

Not appropriate. Kill him. Innocent sleeping at night

It has killed children. (35)


A pious man never kills an enemy befuddled by alcohol, restless, mad, asleep, a child, a woman, imprudent, surrendered, chariotless and fearful. (36)


A wicked and cruel man who feeds his life by killing others, it is better to kill him. Because if a person with such a tendency remains alive, he will commit more sins and go to hell. (37)


Moreover, before me, you had promised Draupadi, 'O Manini, I will cut off the head of the one who killed your sons. (38)

O sinner, Atatayi, who is a disgrace to the clan, killed your sons, not only that, but your lord | Duryodhana is also saddened. Therefore, O brave Arjuna,

You kill him. (39)


Lord Krishna inspired Arjuna to test Arjuna's dharmacharana. But Arjuna's heart was vast. Even though Ashwatthama had killed his sons, Arjuna had no desire to kill the Guru's son.(40)


After this he returned to the war camp with his friend and charioteer Sri Krishna and handed over Ashwatthama to Draupadi who was mourning her dead sons.(41)


Draupadi saw Ashwatthama tied up like a beast. He was looking down after committing a blasphemous act. Draupadi's tender heart felt compassion when she saw Ashwatthama, her detestable guru, humiliated in this way, and she bowed down to Ashwatthama.(42)


Sati Draupadi could not bear to see Guruputra bound in this way. She said- “Leave it, leave it. This is Brahmin, therefore worshiped by us. (43)


By whose grace we have acquired the knowledge of all weapons including the Dhanurveda with its complete secret, its experiments and uphashara, stands before us in the form of our Acharya Drona, the Son. His half-sister Veermata didn't go to Krupi Sati. She is still alive.(44-45)


O Dharmajna, it is not proper to disturb the Guru-vamsha who is to be worshiped regularly. (46)


Just as I am weeping and shedding similar tears because of the slaying of my children, so should not Gautami, his Pativrata mother, weep.(47)

The brahmin clan, which the dissolute kings have angered by their misdeeds, the enraged brahmin clan throws those kings and their families into mourning and immediately consumes the clan.'(48)



Be a Brahmin, says Draupadi, following religion and justice. There was no deceit, but compassion and understanding. So King Yudhishthira appreciated these beneficent noble words of the queen.(49)


At the same time, Nakula, Sahadeva, Satyaki, Arjuna, Lord Krishna himself and all the men and women present there confirmed Draupadi's statement (50).


At that time Bhima became enraged and said, “He who has killed the sleeping children not for himself or for his lord, but for no reason, it is better to kill him. "(51)


Hearing the words of Draupadi and Bhima, looking at Arjuna

Lord Krishna said with a smile. (52)


Shri Krishna said - "A Brahmin should not be killed even if he commits a sin, and an Atatayi should be killed. Both these things have been told by me in the scriptures. So obey both my orders. (53)


Follow the promise you made while consoling Draupadi. Also do whatever is dear to Bhima, Draupadi and me. (54)


Suta said - Arjuna immediately understood the meaning of the Lord's words and with his sword he pulled out the beads along with the hair from Ashwatthama's head.(55)


Because of the killing of the children, Ashwatthama had already become devoid of sattva, including his mani and brahma-teja. Arjuna threw him out of the camp, leaving him bound with ropes. (56)


Shaving, confiscation of wealth and banishment are the slaughter of Adham Brahmins. Apart from this, physical slaughter is not prescribed for them by the scriptures. (57)


Draupadi and all the Pandavas mourn the death of their sons

was done Later he performed the funeral rites of his dead brothers



                                          Chapter VII finished

This is the seventh chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the first section of the Paramahasa-sahitā, entitled the control of Draupadi.


Srimadbhagawat puran ,1st skanda, 6th chapter link below

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