Srimadbhagawat puran ,1st skanda, 6th chapter

                                                        Om Tatsat


                               SHRI GANESHAYA NAMAH


                             OM NAMAH SRI VASUDEVAYA


                      Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam


                                  The first skanda

                                  Shrimad Bhagwat


                                    The sixth chapter


                            The rest of Narada's prehistory



Soot said - After hearing the story of Narada's birth and Sadhana, Satyavati's son Lord Sri Vyasa again told him.

Questioned. (1)


Vyas said - When the sages who taught us went to another place, what did we do? You were very young at that time. (2)


O Brahmaputra, how was the rest of your life spent (after that) and in what manner did you give up your body at the time of death?(3)


God, time destroys all things. That being the case, how can our preconceived memory disappear with time

Didn't ?(4)


Narada said - When the Mahatmas who taught me passed away, though I was a child, I was still my life



I was a mother's only son. My mother was a woman, an ignorant one at that, and a maid beside. me too

There was no shelter other than her. So she kept me bound in her love.(6)


My mother was very concerned about my well-being, But she could not do anything because she was subordinate. As a puppet dances as a master dance, so the whole world is subject to God. (7)


I stayed in that Brahmin settlement in the affection of my mother. As I was only five years old, I had no knowledge of direction, country, or time.(8)


One day my mother went out at night to mow the cow. On the road, her foot fell on a snake and the time-induced snake bit her. (9)


Thinking that this is the grace of the Lord who wants the welfare of the devotees, I proceeded towards the north. (10)


Along the way I came across many rich countries, cities, towns, wandering settlements of nomadic tribes, villages, rivers, mountain ranges, gardens, groves, and strange mountains full of colored metals. There were trees in some places. Their huge branches were broken by elephants. In between, there were reservoirs filled with holy water. Also, there were lakes sheltered by the gods. Over them, the birds chirped mesmerizingly and hummed. Seeing this, I went ahead. I was alone. After walking for a long distance I came upon a dense forest. There were reeds, bamboo, grasses, darbhas, reeds, and caves. Terrible animals like snakes, bears, and foxes lived in that forest. He was afraid to see it. (11-14)


My body and every organ got tired after walking. I was very thirsty. He was hungry. There was a river. I bathed in that river basin. I drank water willingly. So my tiredness disappeared. (15)


I sat under a pipal tree in that deserted forest. As I had heard from those sages, I started meditating on the nature of the hearted Supreme Being. (16)

As soon as I started meditating on the Lord's lotus feet with devotion, tears began to flow from my eyes and slowly God appeared in my heart. (17)


Vyasa Muni! My whole body was thrilled by the extreme outpouring of love. The heart became very calm. I was so drowned in that flood of joy that I felt that indescribable form of God, both myself and the object, was filled with all kinds of sorrows. It was devastating and heart-wrenching.  I was saddened by his sudden disappearance. And there was no despair. Then I got up from the seat and stood. (18) (19)


I longed for that form of vision again; | But even after trying, again and again, to fix the mind in the heart, I could not see that form. I became unsatisfied. Distracted (20).


Seeing me thus endeavoring in the deserted forest | God himself, who is not subject to speech, spoke to me in a gentle and melodious voice, dispelling my grief. (21)


Sadly you are my darshan in this life | you won't be able to Whose desires have completely disappeared No, My darshan is very rare for those immature yogis. (22)


O innocent child, that is why I once showed you a glimpse of My form to awaken in your heart the curiosity to receive Me. The seeker who aspires to attain Me gradually renounces all the desires of his heart.(23)


Even by serving the saints for a short time, your spirit became fixed in me. You will now leave this dirty body and become my counselor.(24)


Your determination to receive me will never waver. Even after the destruction of creation, by my grace, your memory will remain.(25)


The Supreme Lord, who is inexpressible like the sky, all-powerful, was stunned to speak so much. Having experienced his grace, I bowed my head to that supreme God. (26)


From that time, I left my shame and hesitation and started chanting the very mysterious Mangal Name of God and remembering his character. Lust and envy had already vanished from my heart. Now I began to roam the earth happily waiting for death.(27)


Thus, by God's grace, my heart became pure, attachment disappeared and I became Sri Krishnaparayana. Death came to me at the right time, like a sudden flash of lightning in the sky. (28)


When the time came for me to attain the pure Bhagavat-Parshad-body after my prarabdha karmas were over, my body composed of the Panchamahabhutas fell. (29)


At the end of the Kalpa, when Lord Narayana decided to lie down in the sea during the deluge, Brahma entered into his heart by merging the entire creation with his desire to lie down, and with his breath, I also entered into his heart. (30)


After the end of one thousand Chaturyuga, when Lord Brahma awoke and desired to create creation, through his senses I appeared along with sages such as Mari. (31)


Since then, by the grace of God, I have been freely communicating in and out of the three Vaikunthadi people. Bhagavad Bhajan is the vow of my life and continues continuously. (32)


On this* svarbrahmavibhushit veena given by the Lord, I sing his songs and circulate them everywhere.(33)


 From whose lotus feet all pilgrimages originate. And the Lord, whose success I love to sing, when I begin to sing His Leelas, immediately appears in my heart as called and appears to me.(34)


For those whose minds are always engrossed in the desire of material enjoyment, the kirtan of the Lord's Leelas is my own vessel to cross the ocean of worlds (35).


experience is Just as a heart which is often torn apart by the fire of work and greed experiences actual peace through the service of Lord Krishna, peace cannot be attained through yogic paths such as Yama-Niyam. (36)


O Vyasa Muni, you are innocent. All that you asked me, the secret of my birth and Sadhana and the solution to your satisfaction I told (37)


Soot said - Devarshi Narada thus spoke to Vyasa and with his permission, he went away to wander cleanly, playing the veena.(38)


Ah, blessed is Narada this Devarshi! Because by singing the praises of Lord Sarngapani on his veena, he himself becomes happy; But at the same time, they also make this world, which is affected by three sufferings, happy. (39)


End of Chapter Six

This is the sixth chapter of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa, the first section of the Paramahasa-sahitā, the conversation between Vyāsa and Nārada.

Srimad bhagawat puran pratham skanda chapter 5 the link below

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