Srimad bhagawat mahapuran, 1 st skanda ,17 th chapter


Om Tatsat

Srimad Bhagavatam Mahapuranam

first skanda

The  seventeenth chapter

Suppression of Kali Yuga by Maharaj Parikshit

Suta said - O Shaunaka, after going there, the king

Parikshit saw that, wearing the guise of a king

A Shudra carrying a stick in his hand to a cow and a bull

Jodi was being beaten in such a way that no one would care for them


A white bull like a lotus thread on one leg

Standing and trembling because of the beating of that Shudra

Distressed and frightened, he was urinating. (2)

Sacrificial food like milk, and ghee for religious activities

Even the yielding cow is severely beaten by the Shudra

Was sad. For one thing, she was weak, besides her

She did not even have a calf. she was hungry

Because of this, tears flowed from her eyes.


Owned by King Parikshit sitting in a golden chariot

He readied the bow and with a deep voice he called the Shudra

asked (४)

Oh, strong yet weak in my kingdom

Who are you to forcefully kill animals? someone

Like a nut, you have worn the guise of a king, but your deeds

So looks like a Shudra.


By going to Krishna's Paramadham with Arjuna, Nirjan

You are a criminal who attacks the innocent in this way

you are Therefore you are worthy of slaughter.


Parikshit asked Dharma (the bull), like Bistantu

 You are white. (More) You alone without three legs

I am very sad to see you walk on your feet.

Are you a god in the form of a bull?


At present this earth is safe due to the valor of the Kuruvamshi kings is There is no other creature than you with sorrow

have not seen tears.


O son of the cow, do not mourn anymore. or of the Shudra

Don't be afraid. Gomate, I rule the wicked

Don't shed tears while you're at it. May you be well. (9)

O goddess, in the king's kingdom because of the pestilence of the wicked

All the subjects are afflicted, the fame of that frenzied king

Life, wealth, and the hereafter also perishes. (10)

Relieving the sufferings of the afflicted is the highest religion of a king.

It is a great evil and tormentor of animals. So I

Now kill it.


O Surabhinandana, you are a four-legged beast. yours

Who broke three legs? Kings who are devotees of Lord Krishna,

In their kingdom, anyone would be as miserable as we are

should not


O Taurus, may you be well. Tell me that,

By breaking the limbs of an innocent saintly creature like you

Which villain tarnished the fame of the Pandavas?


Anyone who harms innocent animals, anywhere

Even so, he will definitely be afraid of me. of the wicked

Suppression only benefits the monks.

A mad person who causes suffering to innocent animals


Though a real deity, I am the person's sidekick

I will break the hands.


Violators of Shastra limit in absence of emergency

People who rule according to scriptures and act according to religion

Obedience is the ultimate religion of a king.


Religion is called

Rajan, to give refuge to the afflicted

It is right for the descendants of Pandu like us. because

Our forefathers to Lord Krishna because of his superior qualities

His charioteers, messengers, etc. were made.


O Narendra, fascinated by the various words in the scriptures

Because of this, we do not know the Supreme Personality of the Godhead. Therefore

Causes of worldly miseries arise.


Those who do not accept any kind of duality, themselves

Understands the cause of one's own suffering. Someone started

One determines the cause, while one determines the karma; some people

Nature is considered by others to be the cause of suffering.


Rajarshe, some say with determination

That is, the cause of suffering cannot be known by reason

And can't be told by voice. Now among these

Think with your own mind about which opinion is right

Tax. (20)

The Sutra said: O best of sages, Shaunaka, these are the discourses of Dharma

Emperor Parikshit was very pleased to hear this, his regret

disappeared Calmly he said to Dharma. (21)

Parikshit said - Vrishabhadeva who knows the principle of Dharma,

You are preaching religion. You certainly do

You are Dharma in the form of Taurus. (You you

The name of the sufferer should not have been mentioned for that) Adharma

As the doer obtains hell, so does hell

The doer also receives.


Or there is a theory that animal minds

and the manifestation of the Maya form of the Lord through speech

cannot be done.


Dharmadeva, in the Satya Yuga, your penance, purity, and mercy

And truth has four legs. Now the degrees of iniquity

The three steps are destroyed by pride, attachment, and alcoholism


Now the truth is our fourth step

You are alive by His power. untruthfully

Let this impious Kali Yuga, which has grown fat, swallow him too


This cow is actually earth. God on her

Huge loads were destroyed and their wonderful sound

It became visible everywhere due to such footprints.

Now she is separated from God. This sadhvi

Worrying like Abhagini with tears in her eyes

Now, the Brahmin traitor Shudra who has taken the king's pretext is my enjoyment

will take will rule over me.


Later Maharathi Pariksita comforts Dharma and Prithvi

done Then to kill Kali, the cause of unrighteousness

He took a sharp sword in his hand.


Now Kali realizes that this will kill me

And straightway he laid aside his insignia in fear

Bewildered, he laid his head on Parikshit's feet. (29)

Parikshit is a great success, depravity, and surrender

He was a protector. Head on your feet with Kali Yuga

Seeing that it was kept, he killed him with mercy

No. But said with a smile.


Parikshit said

You surrendered with folded hands

you are Then from any hero of Arjuna's successful lineage

You have no reason to fear. But you are unrighteous

Being a subsidiary, do not stay in my state at all.(31)

Greed because of your dwelling in the bodies of kings,

Untruth, theft, wickedness, apostasy, poverty, deceit, strife,

Pride and other sins are increasing.


O Adhamasahayaka, therefore thou art a moment in this Brahmavarta

Don't stay too, because this is the abode of religion and truth

is In this field, the Mahatmas who know the yajna rituals, through the yajnas

Yajna Purusha is worshiping God. (33)

In this country, Lord Shri Hari resides in Yajna form,

He is worshiped by sacrifices and by the sacrificers

Do welfare. That Lord who is within all

Like the air in and out of all living beings

They fulfill their wishes by staying. (34)

The Sutra said: Hearing this command of Parikshit, Kali

I started to shiver. With a sword like Yama in his hand

He said to Parikshit who was ready to kill. (35)

Kali said O sovereign king, yours

Wherever I intend to stay, as commanded

I see that you are standing with an arrow in your bow.

O religious head, where I obey your commands

We have given me a place where I can live with a steady mind

should tell


Suta said - agreeing to kali yuga's


King Parikshita gave him four places to stay-

Liquor, drinking, adultery, and violence. In this position respectively

In the four forms of untruth, madness, attachment, and ruthlessness

Iniquity dwells. Kaliyuga demanded more places,

Then the mighty test him gold to stay

(Money) is given another place. Thus the Kali Yuga,

Untruth, pride, lust, enmity, and lust are to remain

There were five places.


Kali Parikshit, the root cause of unrighteousness

Let's follow Rajagya in these five places given



So men who want self-improvement should follow these five

Never take refuge in places. Especially religious

King, temporal leader of the subjects and preacher

The Guru was cautious and avoided these places



After this, the three are tested by austerity, chastity, and mercy

Charan Vrishasrupa attached to Dharma and assured him

Protected the earth by giving.


When Parikshit's grandfather King Yudhishthira went to the forest

Maharaj Parikshit was installed on the throne, he

Now sits there. *


Toch is the most glorious, fortunate, Chakravarti Emperor

Rajarshi Parikshit of Kauravakula in Hastinapur this time

Adorned by Raja Lakshmi.


This Abhimanyuputra King Parikshit was influential

is Long will we all live in his reign

Initiation of the running Yagya has taken place.


chapter 17 ends

This is the seventeenth chapter of the Kali-nigraha in the first section of the Paramahaṁsa-saṁhitā in the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, the great Purāṇa

Srimad bhagawat mahapuran, 1 st skanda ,16 th chapter

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